Fenix upgrades battery holder for the TK40


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 6, 2008
Brisbane, Australia
I received another Fenix TK40 today and noticed that the battery holder has been upgraded. It appears that the negative terminal spring has a small flat plate upon the spring that has a similar function as the Ra lights.

Also the clear plastic end cap of the holder has extra ridges around the side to stop the batteries falling out the holder when its removed from the torch body.

Nice upgrade IMHO.



P.S. My apologies in advance if this is already old news!
Do you know if they are offering that upgrade to those without the upgraded battery holder?
I would like a second carrier just to use for a quick battery swap out! It also looks like that is the carrier I received with my TK40. I have had it almost two months now.
I thought mine looked a little different (received 2 weeks ago) but then noticed many have the negative spring top and 3 tall tabs at the base.

Perhaps some of the early video reviews had open springs. I don't remember the tabs being different in the videos.

So far, the 8 Eneloops are nice and snug in my unit.