Few beamshots of Malkoff Hound Dog


Dec 21, 2006
New Jersey, USA
Hi all,
Below are few quick beamshots of Malkoff Hound Dog compared to few other lights. I had G5 but returned it (didn't like donut in beam and few other things). IMO Hound Dog beam is perfect! And quality of light is amazing.


From left:
JeatBeam M1X v1, 2x AW18500
HoundDog #11, M3 body, 3x CR123
Surefire Vampire V2, 2x CR123
Surefire L2X, 2x CR123
Surefire C2, Malkoff M61, 1x AW17670


First row:





Second row:





Third row:





Fourth row:




Very good beamshots, great work.

The Jetbeam M1X, which is a MC-E quad die rated for 450 lumens OTF (700 rated at the LED Source), with a larger reflector. They did a great job in making it into a thrower but the Hound Dogger seems to hold its own against that higher output light, not much of a detectable difference. Considering the Hound Dog probably consumes half the power of the M1X that makes it all the more sweeeeeter.

The close up views of the trees, was that 40 ft or 40 yards with the lens zoomed in to take those photos? Beams look a little large for 40 ft, especially when compared to the 120 feet shots in perspective? Maybe I am getting fooled by the other shots?

Oh and Welcome to the Dogg Pound!
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Thank you guys.

All photos were taken on wide side of lens (Casio EX-Z750, old compact camera but it has all manual settings). This means 38mm equivalent.

I checked distances on Google maps and it looks like I was close (I didn’t measure it before). According to Google first distance is ~44ft and second ~128ft.

Maybe spot looks smaller on 120ft shots because of extra light from street light :thinking:.

I'm really impressed how it compares to M1X. Is almost as bright, does not have dark cross/spot and it will have better runtime.
Not trying to be nit picky or stir anything but the exposures are not the same (the ones with the car in it between M1X & Dog) ether one has been tweaked in a photo program or the focal length was different for each pic - look at the trees/road/car around the street light - its just something I notice having been a photographer.
But from what I see they are comparable in output which is good for a smaller light.
Not trying to be nit picky or stir anything but the exposures are not the same (the ones with the car in it between M1X & Dog) ether one has been tweaked in a photo program or the focal length was different for each pic - look at the trees/road/car around the street light - its just something I notice having been a photographer.
But from what I see they are comparable in output which is good for a smaller light.
+1. That car does not look right, it is definately parked on the wrong side of the road.:naughty:
Not trying to be nit picky or stir anything but the exposures are not the same (the ones with the car in it between M1X & Dog) ether one has been tweaked in a photo program or the focal length was different for each pic - look at the trees/road/car around the street light - its just something I notice having been a photographer.
But from what I see they are comparable in output which is good for a smaller light.


I wrote that these are “quick beamshots”. They were taken with camera on railing of my deck and I held light in hand. That’s why they are not pointing in exactly the same spot and camera view is lightly shifted but pictures in each row are taken with ALL settings the same. See originals here (viewer shows them scaled down but when you choose download it will let you save original pictures).

There may be couple of reasons for things not being how you think they should be. I guess in this case it is… sodium lamp heating up. There was few minutes blackout right before I took these pictures (that was a reason I got out with camera and lights).

Maybe next time when you see something strange you should ask before making accusations without any facts to back them up.
No offence meant it was nit picky of me - spose my eye is trained to see stuff like that and i get a little touchy with manufacturers hyping up beam shots - beam shots are subject to many variables (including extra ambient light) but are IMO still the best way to compare lights

I apologize sir

No hard feelings and maybe I overreacted. Street light is indeed dimmer on this first photo and it looks like it could be “doctored” to make M1X look dimmer.

When I look at the beamshots HD seems to be quite similar to M1X. And if I am right M1X throws farther than Fenix TK30? In that case HD will outthrow TK30?

Anyone who has measured lux value and runtimes with the different battery options?

Regards, Patric
It seems to obsolete the big D cell Mags that I have with powerful modules.

I would rather have 123s and 18650 cells, from the logistical viewpoint. Good idea it is.
Hi Swedpat, I've done some runtimes in my HD on high.

MD3 with AW 18500's = 114 minutes until light shut off

MD4 with AW 2600 18650's = 210 minutes until light shut off

Don't have a light meter so no lux numbers. Couple of people have done some lux measurements, and if I recall....they were somewhere around 18,000-20,000. Not completely sure though.
Great beamshots. Other reviewers should take note. This is what people like to see. These are the types of shots that show the difference in flashlights.

As far as the light, I couldn't be more impressed with the Hound dog. It competes right up there with the M1X and the head is half the size. Very nice.