Flashlight Enthusiast
There are lots of threads where people discuss all their purchases this month or since finding CPF. They make me wonder if I've bought the fewest (per year) since joining CPF.
I joined in June 2004 (almost 5 years ago) after finding the site while looking for info on the EverLED and the ARC AAA. I bought those and did a few Mag mods before slowing down.
Here's everything I've bought (over $10):
Part of the reason is that I have a fixed amount to spend every month on hobbies (~$50 USD) and that has to cover everything: books, CDs, DVDs, electronic toys and flashlights. I bought a DSLR last year so that took all my money for a while. The other reason is that I like the idea of big (bigger) bright (brighter) flashlights but I wouldn't carry them and I seldom need more than my EDC.
Anyone else here very selective with their purchases?
I joined in June 2004 (almost 5 years ago) after finding the site while looking for info on the EverLED and the ARC AAA. I bought those and did a few Mag mods before slowing down.
Here's everything I've bought (over $10):
Arc AAA-P (was my EDC, now on my night table)
EverLED (in a Maglight in the bathroom. Handy for checking for strep throat)
3D Maglight 3-level Luxeon mod (in the garage. Use once in a while when I want flood light)
2D Maglight nFlex Luxeon mod (used to carry in my car)
Dorcy AAA (in kitchen for family use, or when kids want a light to play with)
3AAA Radio Shack Luxeon 2-level mod (in my car)
AWR nano (I sold my spot but lost more than $10 due to currency fluctuations)
MillerMods 3-level L0P (my EDC for the last several years)
Firefli (on my key chain)
Fenix L0P (use whenever I need something brighter than my L0P)
Chrome Draco (in the mail. Hopefully will become my EDC)
10 in 5 years (if you exclude the nano that I never got), though most were in the first year. Can anyone top (bottom?) that?EverLED (in a Maglight in the bathroom. Handy for checking for strep throat)
3D Maglight 3-level Luxeon mod (in the garage. Use once in a while when I want flood light)
2D Maglight nFlex Luxeon mod (used to carry in my car)
Dorcy AAA (in kitchen for family use, or when kids want a light to play with)
3AAA Radio Shack Luxeon 2-level mod (in my car)
AWR nano (I sold my spot but lost more than $10 due to currency fluctuations)
MillerMods 3-level L0P (my EDC for the last several years)
Firefli (on my key chain)
Fenix L0P (use whenever I need something brighter than my L0P)
Chrome Draco (in the mail. Hopefully will become my EDC)
Part of the reason is that I have a fixed amount to spend every month on hobbies (~$50 USD) and that has to cover everything: books, CDs, DVDs, electronic toys and flashlights. I bought a DSLR last year so that took all my money for a while. The other reason is that I like the idea of big (bigger) bright (brighter) flashlights but I wouldn't carry them and I seldom need more than my EDC.
Anyone else here very selective with their purchases?
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