Finally Getting An Aviatror A2(Y/G)


Newly Enlightened
Feb 16, 2007
Salinas, CA.
I purchased the above item in a Yellow/Green LED
aftet reading so many threads on the A2 with just about everyone liking the flashlight. I choose the color because I work at nights where I need to write down in my log sheet without having to use a bright light to ruin my night vision. Is the Atomic Chicken still around doing his mods on the A2? Can anybody give me a link on how to order? I would like to get the mod if he is still doing it Anyay, I'm just waiting for my new toy to arrive expected arrival Tuesday/ Wednesday of this week.. :)
Congrats on your new baby. :)

Atomic Chicken can create a new LED ring for you. I'm wondering why you are already looking for a new LED ring when you haven't tried the Y/G stock LED's yet? I honestly would wait until you actually get to try out the A2 before looking to mod it. The Y/G is a good LED color for what I think you will need.

The way I bring up this Avaitrix (sp) thread is to do a member search for him. He put it in his sig line.
You won't be sorry.

I have an A2 with white LEDs.

I've been wondering if yellow LEDs would do any better in fog or smoke, like fog lights. Does anybody know?

The Y/G LED's tint is nothing like amber LED's. They're also relatively dim compared to any other LED or incan lights I'm aware of and it's my understanding you need a bright light to peer through smoke or fog.
The Y/Gs are definitely dim. They work great though for reading and skulking about at night without affecting your eyes.
What GreenLED said....any color LED on an A2 is not meant for any distance viewing. I have had every color LED on an A2 at one point or another, and the one that sits next to my bed is the Y/G. It is the perfect degree of dimness for the middle of the night, and still preserves colors much better than the red, which is choice number 2. It's a great light.
*runs away from this thread before he decides he needs another A2 with YG LEDs*

Arrrgh it keeps getting harder to refrain from buying one of these...I love my A2-HA-WH and the white LEDs suit my needs just fine...but there is just something about the A2-HA-YG that really appeals...


I just joined the A2 club.

Got a red one. I forgot how dim 3 lumens is! Its a good sneaking around the house light. I put a Oregonshooter tailcap on it. It's my new pocket light du jour.
Is the Atomic Chicken still around doing his mods on the A2? Can anybody give me a link on how to order? I would like to get the mod if he is still doing it :)

Here is a link to an update to the original sales thread:

According to Atomic Chicken he's been stricken with financial and health issues and hasn't been able to fill orders. Many people have paid and are still waiting after many months so my guess is that you'll have to enjoy the stock LEDs in your A2.
I've been wondering if yellow LEDs would do any better in fog or smoke, like fog lights. Does anybody know?
The biggest factor for fog lights, by far, is beam pattern and optics. The most significant thing is to eliminate spill. In vehicles, fog lights have no spill, a low cut-off angle (no light directed "up" at all), and are positioned low to the ground -- this way the back-scatter isn't reflected into the driver's eyes. I've actually found holding flashlights away from one's body as much as possible helps a lot when using lights in fog for this reason.

I have compared LED lights and incan lights of similar lumens and throw (icnan with deep reflector vs. LED with aspheric lens) and found that even the "cooler" LED fared about equally well. The problem with white LED lights is they generally have a lot more spill, and the glare/backscatter from cool white light is more irritating than amber light.

It is the perfect degree of dimness for the middle of the night, and still preserves colors much better than the red, which is choice number 2. It's a great light.
Yeah, I find the effect isn't so much better color rendition, but YG provides better contrast because most objects reflect YG at least to some extent. LOTS of things however completely absorb red light. Also, red light, at the fringe of the visible spectrum, doesn't focus as sharply as YG light, which the focal length of the eye is actually optimized for -- meaning not as much light is needed to see as well with.
*dangles a YG from a lanyard*

Come on Tempest...
You know you need one..

And I thought you were nice after saving me from that A2-BK :D

It's either the YG or a Kroma...ack! Can't decide whether I'd prefer the YG of the A2, or the red mode of the Kroma for nightstand duty...

It's either the YG or a Kroma...ack! Can't decide whether I'd prefer the YG of the A2, or the red mode of the Kroma for nightstand duty...
Just like 2xTrinity, I find the Y/G allows me to identify objects and navigate more comfortably than red. Also, you'll be surprised at how useful the Y/G beam really is. The color seems dim at first, but later you'll realize how useful it is and favor it over other colors.
My first A2 is on it's way to me now, a black 4 flat sided w/upgraded wht LED's. I have the Fivemega Strion kit here awaiting it's arrival.

Shoot, all this A2 talk is making me want one. Well, I guess I'll just have to start saving, maybe I can buy one this summer. I like the sound of the Y/G LEDs.