firearm mount question


Newly Enlightened
Oct 14, 2008
I have a S&W .40s&w (redundant). i bought the Streamlight TLR-1 (new model). i cant mount it. the mount rail is too narrow and shallow to bite onto the weapon.

on the S&W site they list the M4-pro light

i can buy this unless there are other options. my concern is the xonon bulb vs. an LED which is why i got the TLR specificaly for this gun. but the rail on the sigma series S&W is unique i guess. din't even know that :duh2:

i am nit familiar with a mount option other than the light i linked above. any other options someone can recommend? i also bought 2 different mounts and neither of them fit. so i suppose the quest is to find a mount for the sigma series.

i can always throw the TLR-1 on a pict rail, weaver rail, etc.

Yep...same problem here...due to the mounts on the S&W Sigma, the Insight M4 is your only "feasible" option...that's what i have on mine, and after trying SEVERAL other "mounts", it was a no go. But the M4 isn't bad...Insight products are just as tough as SL and SF.
hey- i may have found the adapter! :rock: looks like there are 2 models....not sure of the difference. They say they are for HK which i don't have. but the S&W sigma rail looks just like it. not sure what this rail mount style is called.

but i do think this might work...and for future reference if anyone is in the same boat.

AngelofWar, looks like you got your fix, but now we know :clap: did yours have a rail adapter? looks like there a few models of that light as well.

2 models by promag 231391 or 482911
It's nice that the adapters are available but they to add extra mass and stack height which I hate. I realize that this may not bother most people though. It's just too bad that S&W chose that particular rail dimension when it just as easily could have been a Picatinny. I'll never understand the manufacturer's thinking behind a proprietary rail.
Just go with the's probably the only light you'll be able to get on it SECURELY with out losing the balance. Oh, and FYI (in case you're looking)the Black Hawk Drop Leg holster WILL fit the Sigma and the attached light. These guys have one for $95...I paid $135 for mine 3 years ago...

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It's nice that the adapters are available but they to add extra mass and stack height which I hate.

available- yes...after a dillegent search. :ohgeez:

A.O.W.- after i get the adapter, and a camera (ours died a week or so ago) i'll post a pic. i bet it wil look almost like yours :twothumbs
available- yes...after a dillegent search. :ohgeez:

A.O.W.- after i get the adapter, and a camera (ours died a week or so ago) i'll post a pic. i bet it wil look almost like yours :twothumbs

Cool...I'd really like to see it...i went through the same dilema a few years back trying to find a mount to fit this thing, and gave up hope. I tried the CAA mounts to no avail, and then eventually just forked over the cash for the M4. But if that one turns out ok, I wouldn't mind slapping my viking off-set mount on there with a G2/6P...Just in Case! :naughty:
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might be a few days- waiting for the rail, but deciding on a camera.

BTW- your pic reminds me of what i was thinking originally as i was trying to mount the light while it was not fitting. the fact that the space between the trigger guard and the light is next to none. i see that the M4 was obviously designed to fit with the switch on the bottom plane.

The TLR-1 switch is rotary and basically in the center of the light. so it might be tough to flip on and off if even possible. so i'll know when i follow up on this info.

could be a drag though. might work fine, we'll see.:popcorn:
I got the mount and attached the TLR-1. looks good. my camera is dead, but i used my computer built in camera to make a facsimile of a photo LOL

the problem i am running into is posting images here in the forum. the link- says i can hit a browse button- don't see the browse button in the page control areas.

also attach a link. dont see that either:mecry: WTF?

but i got a shot. also the on/off dial works fine. it just clears the trigger gaurd:rock:
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TLR-1's are good lights. I'm not familiar with other weaponlights so I don't know how they operate. THe rotary switch on the tlr-1 is great being ambidextrous with either hand with either momentary or fixed lighting. Would be nice if it were a little brighter, but after testing with the wife late at night after eyes have adjusted, it's more than adequate to disorient and briefly blind an intruder.

One thing though...if/when you practice fire with the light on (you should, especially if this is a HD gun), the finish on the light will decay some from the soot you get on it..also, the lens darken's from the soot if you get into a HD situation, you should count on a dimming light after each mag you go through! lol Otherwise, firing with the light on is nice because that weight makes a big recoil difference and helps with follow up shots!

I got the mount and attached the TLR-1. looks good. my camera is dead, but i used my computer built in camera to make a facsimile of a photo LOL

the problem i am running into is posting images here in the forum. the link- says i can hit a browse button- don't see the browse button in the page control areas.

also attach a link. dont see that either:mecry: WTF?

but i got a shot. also the on/off dial works fine. it just clears the trigger gaurd:rock:

Do you have a photobucket account?
here we go. As a former photographer, i have to say i am embarrased by th equality. but you get the jist.:sick2: LOL


this is the TLR-1 (b, the 2nd edition) on a S&W .40 the mount that was needed is sold at centerfiresystems. And it worked fine. a little tough to get one of the 2 tiny allen wrench screws in. but it's on there.

i took the image with my laptop!:mecry: man that's bad. since my camera died, i am on the hunt. Any way, the mount works good. i have yet to take the gun to the range and see how it holds up. but will soon. wish me luck :laughing:

well i got a photobucket account. still not sure why this is NOT working. here is the URL . but anyone know why the link isn't working? the cpf info says we can browse our computer to upload. that didn't happen. now i cant even get a url to work:banghead:
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With regards to burnt power on the light body and lens, I put a piece of black electrical tape on top of the light head in cases where it overlaps the muzzle. For the lens I stick a piece of clear packaging tape over the lens and cut a circle with the tip of an exact-o knife. If I'm in a hurry I just lay the clear tape over the light head and fold it back over. It's ugly that way but it's quick, easy and sure makes the clean up easier. It also prevents permanent finish damage...for those who like to keep their gear looking new.
well i got a photobucket account. still not sure why this is NOT working. here is the URL . but anyone know why the link isn't working? the cpf info says we can browse our computer to upload. that didn't happen. now i cant even get a url to work:banghead:[/quote]

When your posting your thread, go to photo bucket, select left click on the "Direct Link" bar, then right click and copy. In your CPF thread, click on the "Image" button, highlite the "http//:" part, and paste. Nice setup BTW. I might have to acquire one of those mounts. one thing that just occured to me though, with the Insight M4, you don't really have the problem of the "gun powder" ruining the finish, as it's all nitrolon! I believe the SL are HAII and the SF are HAI-III...but, from what I've heard on these forums, SF under rates there HA just like they do there lumens, and a competitors HA-III is like SF's HA-II. Does anyone have this "flaking" problem on any of there SF handgun weaponlights?
seems simple:


thought i tried that.:green: well thanks :twothumbs like i said the image sucks! but i'll get over it once i get a new camera:popcorn:

btw those rails are soooo high. now i see why the adapter was so "rare" thanks S&W :tinfoil:
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