Flashlight TV Ad

Kind of makes you wonder if there has ever been an organized get-together of flashaholics, where they all shined their lights skyward at the same time?

Anyone know if this has ever happened? :confused:

I bet they would be able to see it from the Space Shuttle! :eek:

Cool vid! :clap:
Toohotruk said:
Kind of makes you wonder if there has ever been an organized get-together of flashaholics, where they all shined their lights skyward at the same time?

Anyone know if this has ever happened? :confused:

I bet they would be able to see it from the Space Shuttle! :eek:

Cool vid! :clap:

well....thats a good idea, if we wanted to do a state by state event and choose a foggy night. Where better to find and organize a get-together of flashaholics than from the forum of flashaholics?
This makes me think...How many flashlights (read lumens) in one placewould we need to be visible from space, and not just from low earth orbit, farther out. Say, the moon.
Kind of makes you wonder if there has ever been an organized get-together of flashaholics, where they all shined their lights skyward at the same time?...

...I bet they would be able to see it from the Space Shuttle!
Maybe if the get-together were held in the middle of North Korea.

At the risk of identifying myself as stupid, lol...I didn't understand what the ad was about. Maybe I need to watch it again.

All the flashlights were cool though. I think we need a national flashlight day. :)
a few years back i remember someone in my family told me that they were going to take a picture from space and wanted everyone to turn on lights and shine them up in the sky, though i never heard anything about it since just have the memory though.
There have been a few attempts here to figure out just what our national TV co is trying to convey. Explanations normally veer toward the "looking for entertainment somewhere other than their TVs".

Does it seem fishy that all their batteries are charged and their torches are in working order?
The the audio / video is good, but what in the world is it about?

"don't be afraid of something new"
"don't be afraid of what you're turning into"
"we are one"

greenlight said:
please tell me what song that is so I can try to avoid it in the future?
LOL, oh that was good! Glad other people are on the same wavelength. Atleast it isn't Sheryl Crow singing about how "everyday is a winding road" when you're driving your Chevy or whatever....
So what is it New Zealand? What are trying to tell us, Boy? Did Timmy fall down a well??
TorchBoy said:
Does it seem fishy that all their batteries are charged and their torches are in working order?

Yeah...you don't see even one person smacking their light against the palm of their hand (or against anything else for that matter :twak: ) to get it to light up! Talk about unrealistic! :tsk: