Hi all, I am new to all of this and being in New Zealand its big $$$ to bye these lights but I have at the moment, TK30,TK12,LD20,M30,P7 and a few others but my problem is this. My Fenix supplier is under strict instructions not to ring,text or email me about lights he is sending or has sent. But the trouble I went to when I knew my TK30 was about to turn up frightened even me. I started leaveing lights that looked a bit like the TK30 laying around the house so THE WIFE would get used to a bigger flashlight being around, things like a maglight 2xc cell.
Then when the big day comes Im realy nervice, I start by leaveing the TK30 somewhere but cover most of it up so it looks like the mag. Then over the comming days slowly reveil more and more:huh:.After a week I was in the bedroom, we went to make the bed, she reached for it,(at this point the heart is raceing) picked it up and never looked twice:twothumbs. Should I be feeling guilty about this or not, what sort of lengths do some of you go to to hide your new lights and if I ever get caught Ill just blame everyone here on CPF