Flickering Flashlight


Newly Enlightened
Apr 24, 2014
I have a Convoy S2+ UV light that flickers. The flicker is fast and haphazard. I've by-passed the switch, and it isn't the switch. I've lubed up the both sets of threads with Nyogel, still flickers. Tried different batteries, protected and unprotected, no difference.

Convoy doesn't seem to have a company website, or I would have emailed them directly. I don't remember where I got this light, fastech or banggood, or aliexpress, or...

$30 light. Just get another?
Thank you for the direction Jean! Excellent service by Simon, it will not be forgotten.
I just sprayed two of my Pelican flashlights with Deoxit D5 and it got rid of the flicker on the smaller one but not the bigger one. I will try again tomorrow and just spray it on and let it air dry and see if that works.
Often it can be a loose pill in the head of a light. Try tightening it down with a sharp pair of plyers or something. Springs can also benefit from being stretched, since they need to make a firm contact with the battery.
Often it can be a loose pill in the head of a light. Try tightening it down with a sharp pair of plyers or something. Springs can also benefit from being stretched, since they need to make a firm contact with the battery.

On these pelicans the head and body are glued.

I will try stretching the spring though and I will double check that the tailcap retaining ring is tight.

(Edited) Ok I figured out the problem. It IS the tailcap causing the flickering. I sprayed more Deoxit in it, stretched the spring a little, and checked the retaining ring and it was tight but none of that fixed the issue.

Then I decided to touch a paper clip to the threads of the light and the battery and it lit up with no flickering :) So I'm gonna call Pelican in the morning to see if they will send me a new tailcap.
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