FM1794 vs SF 120 Lumen LED


May 27, 2008
NYC and Long Island
I just sold a LEO a 970 lumen CLFM 1794 incandescent light with a VLOP reflector.

His only complaint so far is when aiming his light and a co workers light at the 15th floor of nearby building the SF 120 lumen BLue led seemed brighter.

He wanted me to explain why:thinking:

I told him just because the blue LED is visible further away doesnt mean its just has more throw, and the BLue led stands out more.

I wonder if the SF 120 LED has a bigger reflector as well. Perhaps better focus than what I set.
surely at ten or twenty feet the 970 lumen 1794 is brighter than a 120 lumen LED.

what can I tell him?

PS I told him next time try the ceiling bounce test
Tell him the problem is measured his light on a building that was already lit up, and if he wants to get into architectural lighting he's gonna need more than that tiny bulb.
You mis-represented saying it was a 970 lumen bulb. That's like a 140 km/h car. Its not that meaningful but it sure makes a nice sales pitch.
Lumen does not equal distance thrown, you're going to have a hard time meaningfully equating measures of two different units. For raw lumens comparison go into unlit parking garage.
Yes the cool tint led may be more visually distinct hence noticable.
Likely factor is also contrast, contrast between lit and unlit - if the incan was putting out a large beam of light the inexperienced person may fail to realize that there isn't a bright spot on the 15th floor, but the whole building sure seems to stick out a lot more.
Incans also blend in easily with yellow haze of street lights, requires a serious effort for an incan to get recognition in urban settings, while a led with contrasting tint may be readily apparent.

Have your customer take both lights for a walk out of town. Find a dark forest or 500feet of unlit hiking trail and the qualities of the two lights will be very different than during his office building beam shoot-out.
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