For anyone into paintball


Jul 13, 2009
Northern Ireland
This is a link to a free to enter competition for a GEO 2 paintball marker. For anyone who's not up to date it's the latest sh*t hot shooter with a 3 month waiting list.

You don't have to sign up for the forum or register or anything like that, you can enter no matter where in the world you are.

Mods I hope this is ok, I am affiliated with the above forum but am certainly not using this for personal gain. It's a genuinely good competition I thought I'd share.
Nothing at all wrong with a bit of pump action!

Always remember youth and exuberance are no match for old age and treachery ;)
Wow. Looked into it a bit and discovered that it couldn't be much further from a Phantom if it tried. I know my odds, and they aren't good, but I would definitely have some fun with that one.
voted in also. but in hindsight my guess of the number was too low.

if i win. i will let cpf´ers buy it from me. i dont need a pro gun. i could do just fine with something simple like tippman 98 still. (once or twice a year shooting at my friends and gettin killed in first 30seconds hahah) -well most times i carry my old pumpaction and am just leveled by the autos. :)
If you're not in you can't win.

Here's a free hint, if you register your chances double. You don't even have to post anything, ever but you may even find it a good resource :)