From the "What were they thinking file?!?"

However, a lot of perfectly healthy, well-adjusted 20 year-olds go off to college and lose it. Point being, the parents are not to be judged guilty sans any knowledge what so ever.
They don't go off to college and lose it.
With respect, you are confusing mental illness with brain-washing and indoctrination. Do you know what a "Liberal Arts" program in college actually means? It's when colleges take young, impressionable, well-adjusted individuals and literally do their best to brain-wash them into becoming extremist, hate-filled Liberals. I know, because that's what John Jay College tried to do with me in the mid. 1990s. Failed miserably to do so because at the time I had no clue that I'm an INFJ personality type. Only 1%, possibly 2% of my kind out in the world. Translation = I literally think differently than 98% or 99% of the rest of the world. So the standard-issue brain-washing program didn't work on me.

Though I'm sure my parents enjoyed paying for the privilege of having their optimistic and well-adjusted son be put into an (ironically) non-Government sponsored "Re-education" camp disguised as an institute for higher learning. Lenin and Marx would have been impressed.

Mental illness can develop later in life. Though we're then talking about a severe physical or psychological trauma that can be traced. Most mental illness, children are born with; and their parents see it. So again, not guessing. A realistic outlook on mental instability.
Mental illness can develop later in life. Though we're then talking about a severe physical or psychological trauma that can be traced.
Schizophrenia generally shows up in the early 20s. This is due to the nature of brain development. A child has millions more neurons than an adult does. This helps them learn and develop so quickly.

But the human body is supremely economical, and in the late teens these "extra" neurons are culled. They are no longer necessary.

It is believed that these additional neurons mask what is later a deficiency. That's when the symptoms show. No trauma or poor rearing necessary.

My best friend growing up suffered from a textbook case. It was horrifying watching him go through it without being able to help.

My ex-wife went through something similar. Hers was exacerbated by drug use though. A less innocent fate, that one.
Very sorry to hear about your Ex., and your good friend. It's a terrible mental illness. The only silver lining with practically all other mental illnesses is that they manifest very early. Hopefully parents don't ignore the warning signs and get their child the help they need early on.
Speaking of mental illness and education Every Town was saying something in regards to that but I feel they are drawing the wrong conclusions. It probably is all the bad values they force on people causes mental illness.

When I went to uni they mixed in some feminist course that had nothing to do with computers that you had to take to get a degree. I didn't take it luckily but I would have opposed their bad values.
All this garbage about transgenderism is an extension of what they teach in classes on evolution about relativism, that there is no absolute truth (which disproves itself as a self-refuting statement). This has nothing to do with real science. It is a rejection of God as a judge of right and wrong by denying that their is no right or wrong, it's whatever they see as is right in their own eyes. This means to them, they can do whatever they want to their own bodies, they can kill babies through abortion, they can steal from the rich because they think they deserve it more, and they can beat up the cops because they don't accept anything they do as wrong if there is no God to make it so. So now you wonder why there are so many people graduating from college with a major in gender studies and a minor in the study of ambiguous genitalia in lab rats that don't know what a woman is, want taxpayers to pay off their student loans, and can't even get a job at Starbucks because their insistence that everyone uses their correct pronouns makes everything about them and not the customers they are paid to serve.

Maybe when the colleges hold classes on how to be a superhero and have Flying 101 held on the roof, maybe this nonsense will end abruptly.
As far as tax-payers paying off student loans? Nope! Those should just be forgiven and X-ed out completely!

Colleges and Universities in America have become a scam! Even for those who want to take pragmatic courses, get a career based on having completed said courses, with help through college counselors whom the college has established relationships with outside businesses to supply them with junior executives, or highly skilled labor. That used to exist. And, college tuition used to be something you didn't need 30 years to pay off.... like a frickin' house!

Then, after becoming hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, they have the sheer nerve to say they can't guarantee you a job! As aggravating as it is to go to the average car dealership, and agree to become in debt to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars. At least by the time THAT aggravation is over.... Yes, they hand you the keys to your new (or new to you) car! You might have just dealt with the sleaziest car salesman on the face of the Planet who screwed you over on countless unnecessary fees and made-up taxes.... But even Good 'Ole Lying Larry is still going to hand you the keys to your car with a giant grin on his face.

You can't guarantee gainful employment afterwards? Debt cancelled!
As far as tax-payers paying off student loans? Nope! Those should just be forgiven and X-ed out completely!

Colleges and Universities in America have become a scam! Even for those who want to take pragmatic courses, get a career based on having completed said courses, with help through college counselors whom the college has established relationships with outside businesses to supply them with junior executives, or highly skilled labor. That used to exist. And, college tuition used to be something you didn't need 30 years to pay off.... like a frickin' house!

You can't guarantee gainful employment afterwards? Debt cancelled!
Hell no, you can't just cancel student loan debt. The government bailed out the student loan business awhile back and now all student loans are backed by taxpayer money. If someone goes bankrupt, they still owe their student loan, compared to before when it was backed by the banks it would have been forgiven and the bank would take the loss. Any cancelling of debt now adds to the federal deficit. We're over 34 trillion in debt as it is. We need to get banks back in the student loan business, at least giving people the option. Banks would only back good investments, but if the students fell on hard times, they'd be able to declare bankruptcy and wipe out their debt at the expense of their credit rating. At least do this and you get more students pushing to keep up their grades, you get fewer classes in college that serve no purpose helping you get a job, and you slowly take the load off the taxpayers. Grants get used to pick up the slack in fields that have a lot of need, but don't make that much. Start requiring minimum grades be maintained for students for required courses to get degrees with government student loans so taxpayers can cut their losses on losers that should be working minimum wage. Do all that, and colleges might have a chance at surviving. If you don't, they are just government sponsored brainwashing facilities.
Oh yes, you can cancel them!
I'm sick & tired of scammers being caught, prosecuted, forced to pay a fine.... and literally zero dollars of said fine is given back to the victims of the scam! That is idiotic! It's beyond ridiculous! Colleges and Universities have become the BIGGEST scam in all of American history.

You expect victims of the con-artists and scammers running these institutions to keep paying them!? Yeah, THAT makes sense.... Reminds me of when someone hacked into my Amazon account years ago. Everything I bought went to one address. Now, items were sent to a bunch of different ones all over America. Contacted my credit card company. They said, no problem. Contacted Amazon, their attitude was F**k you! Pay us anyway! I told Amazon to go to Hell. They locked me out of my account. Big fat hairy deal. I just buy from other online sites, including their biggest competitor,

When you get clearly conned out of your money, when you get scammed; you don't keep paying the scammers. Common sense, but what do I know? These college Admins. should consider themselves lucky they're not being tossed into prison for several years on their college tuition scams. There are still some nations in the Middle East where blatant thieves get their hands chopped off. Again, those college Admins. should consider themselves very lucky.
Oh yes, you can cancel them!
I'm sick & tired of scammers being caught, prosecuted, forced to pay a fine.... and literally zero dollars of said fine is given back to the victims of the scam! That is idiotic! It's beyond ridiculous! Colleges and Universities have become the BIGGEST scam in all of American history.

You expect victims of the con-artists and scammers running these institutions to keep paying them!? Yeah, THAT makes sense.... Reminds me of when someone hacked into my Amazon account years ago. Everything I bought went to one address. Now, items were sent to a bunch of different ones all over America. Contacted my credit card company. They said, no problem. Contacted Amazon, their attitude was F**k you! Pay us anyway! I told Amazon to go to Hell. They locked me out of my account. Big fat hairy deal. I just buy from other online sites, including their biggest competitor,

When you get clearly conned out of your money, when you get scammed; you don't keep paying the scammers. Common sense, but what do I know? These college Admins. should consider themselves lucky they're not being tossed into prison for several years on their college tuition scams. There are still some nations in the Middle East where blatant thieves get their hands chopped off. Again, those college Admins. should consider themselves very lucky.
The problem with this is you're only realizing half the scam. The government is mandating DEI hires and what gets taught through the Department of Education. To know how bad this has gotten, see the testimony of the major university presidents before Congress when asked if calling for the death of Jews and Israel violated their policies (which should have allowed them to kick out the violent students from the schools). The colleges have become government funded Nazi propaganda brainwashing facilities. Students don't just need their money back. They need to start back at kindergarten learning how to play well with others. I would suggest anyone get homeschooled from now on until the entire education system gets overhauled. The people that paid for college technically should get their money back but it should come out of the pockets of the DNC who are responsible for screwing up the system to begin with.
I agree with you that the public education system in America needs to be severely overhauled. Realistically, we need to tackle one issue at a time. Seriously, we didn't even discuss the absolutely predatory interest rates of student loans. Borrow $34,000, and in 20 years your debt is $500,000.

That's not right. Those aren't even made-up numbers. A woman, Tereina Stidd, did an interview with CNN (far from my favorite news source) in which she was honest about her student loan debt.