What The Hell Is That?!


Hint - It's wax.
HA! That's not totally out of the ballpark. 😁 Although, it doesn't propel itself, it does get smaller as it functions. Or, more accurately, it used to. It is now missing a critical component to function.
It was, in a former "life." 😁

A few years back, a client asked me to check on a clogged bathroom sink at his rental. After meeting the tenant and having a brief discussion, I removed the p-trap and saw it was unobstructed. Then, removing the pivot rod and stopper, I shined my EDC down the drain and saw the top of our mystery item. Thinking, What the hell is that? I used a thin wooden dowl to push the obstruction into an awaiting bucket. It didn't require any force to push it out.

Now, I've unclogged lots of sinks and seen all manner of gunk come out, but I'd never seen anything similar to this six-inch piece of wax. This was the first sink I'd ever worked on in a mobile home, and I'll admit here that I began to wonder if this wax thingamajig was an actual part of the sink drain .... perhaps part of an anti-backflow system. 🤔 It just fit so perfectly that it had to belong ....right?

Taking it in a gloved hand, I went into the adjoining room and asked the woman living there if she had any idea what it was. L@@King at it she paused for a minute, then admitted she had been taking a shower when a burning candle fell over and a little wax went down the drain ... "I thought I got all of it out." Think of a burning candle lying on its side, constantly dripping wax down the drain.

The missing component, of course, is the wick.

When you guys are stumped, You're supposed to post - "What the hell is that?! :yellowlaugh: