G2 in Real tree hardwood!!!


Oct 14, 2007
Sebring, FL (Central Florida)
Huge news from surefire!!! They just put a g2 on their website in realtree hardwood camoflauge!!!

Here is a pic!!

I know soooo many people have been waiting for a new g2 color so here it is!! surefire.com for details!! POST YOUR THOUGHTS!! Good or bad?? Is camo better than the orange you have wanted?? Post!!

(Moderator note: Hot linked pics not allowed IAW CPF Rules - I provided a link.)
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Wasn't this available at Gander Mountain earlier as an exclusive (to them) color? If it is the same one, I'm glad it is finally being released on a broader scale.
Quoted from another thread (but relevant to this one):
That Realtree G2 excites me about as much as the new maglite switch cover. woohooo! lol... ;)

Exactly what I thought.

No thanks, I'd rather get the yellow one. A fluorescent yellow, if possible. Orange would do nicely, too.
+1 on losing it forever, i don't see the point of camo everything, especially if you'll be using it in the woods. And what good is camo with 60 lumens shooting out the front? Make it orange and i'll buy a few.
This was previously a Gander Mountain exclusive. The location near me stopped carrying Surefire and I wonder if this has been nationwide. If so perhaps Surefire got stuck with lots of extra stock.
"Huge news from surefire!"

ya kiddin' me? this barely qualifies as "news", much less "huge news". i'd say huge news from surefire is that they released something along the lines of a tiablo or dereelight....and at the same prices. now THAT would possibly constitute "huge news " !!
and i agree with the above posts, sounds like a terrific way to lose a G2.
Alright, if this did'nt qualify as good news than why did you even read it?? Surefire doesent come out with a new light everyday and let alone a new color for the g2. So if you dont like it dont even bother posting. Some people would like to know about.

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