Gene Malkoff chrome signature edition light by Elzetta

Damn you, CPF . . . and I thought I was going to have enough scratch for a PS3 this Christmas! :paypal:for one. I'm :grin2: and :shakehead all at the same time! :scowl: It comes with an M60, doesn't it?
I would love to own a signature Malkoff light, but that thing is super ugly. Looks like something one might buy at an adult bookstore.
I would love to own a signature Malkoff light, but that thing is super ugly. Looks like something one might buy at an adult bookstore.

If one of our modders made that light (body) we would be all over it. Does not look that bad to me, and evaluating it close up might make a difference.

To me it bears some resemblance to a medieval flanged mace. I personally like the design, especially how it has 4 deep channels on the body where O-rings can be added for extra grip.
Apparently elzetta now has a 3 cell light, but not in the limited edition chrome.
I can't believe no one's likened this to a lightsaber handle yet. The only thing that looks more like one, in fact, is the Husky 2D, which I also liked the looks of! :naughty:
I am sorry, but you are wrong. The true uses for that device are truly unspeakable and should not be mentioned - ever!


Any other trekkies (or trekkers) here besides us, Cheapskate? That was one of the best moments in DS9. The story arc "explaining" the difference in Enterprise was interesting.
Yep. It's sooo nice. The pictures are midleading, even if the description is dead on. "Bright Black" Chrome definitely describes this color well. A shade above gunmetal. I haven't taken too much time to wipe up the fingerprints and whatnot off of it, but it looks like there are small circles at the edge of each face (where Gene's signature is). MAN is this head awesome! The pictures also made it look like it might tailstand, but the clicky protrudes. No big, I got it for it's limited status and sheer beauty.

It's interesting to see how there's an o-ring under the M60 in the head. I guess that's just part of the design. There's also a slight scratch on one side. Kind of disappointing. I may or may not ask them to try and buff this out. Pictures are kind of hard right now since I have a new laptop that I'm not sure I'm keeping.