Go Maet!!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 3, 2004
Boston, Massachusetts
I just nearly died laughing when I saw the "GO MAET!!!" logo in the CPFM!!!

You guys are crazy!!!!!! :crazy:

HAHAHAHA :lolsign:

That is all. :)
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Tatoos! CPF booster buttons...need to get this to CafePress on the CPF Gear! (Yeah, we're a cult!)

Tell me you wouldn't know someone wearing a button with "GO MAET" was a CPFer! :crackup:
Lets get fenixstore to make a limited run of GO MAET! engraved P3D's.
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Feel free to use it! :D

But do not alter it!!!
Alright, I'll be the one to ask... can someone translate that for us that don't get it? Thanks.

+1 :thinking: If this has something to do with the adverts then I wont get it as i've got them all blocked. :p
Ok everyone! Go to the top of any page on CPF... to the menu bar. Look for the link that says "The Classifieds"... click on it.... :D
You've gone off the deep end. :tinfoil: All because "team" backwards doesn't spell "meat." :shrug: :shakehead
john, aka "I don't eat Maet" :nana:

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