Good grief, look at this place


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 11, 2005
Trieste, Italy

How can anyone live like that?
lol, thank god for the catbox and Fabreeze, otherwise it would have really been a mess :crackup:

Edit: On closer inspection, there are some remarkable features of the space - the bucket on the toilet, the broken toilet tank top, and the amount of spent toilet paper on/around the floor would indicate the toilet stopped working long ago, and the tenant has been using a bucket since. Wonder where that got emptied..

To one side of the toilet is a sizeable burned area, probably a cigarette finding it's way to some of that toilet paper, and there's also a burn area on the couch arm - but note that the tenant has a *fire extinguisher* on the coffee table in the living room. So the tenant, rather than being careful not to start fires, instead just had a way to deal with fires once they had already started! :eek: There's also a can of insect killer in the bathroom, so she was concerned enough about the insect problem to do some spraying, but not beyond that..

The detritus on the computer keyboard shows that it was used exclusively for basic typing/chatting (all the editing and F-keys are blocked/covered over), so this was definitely a "computer person".. the left hand shift/ctrl/alt cluster is similarly worn, suggesting a gamer..

The ironing board and group of cleaning supplies near it would imply that this is someone you'd never know lives like this in the outside world, further reinforced by the fashionable high heeled shoe and silk garment in the bathroom, also the garments on the bedpost. Note also the shampoos/moisturizers. She was partially worried about her lifestyle, at least occasionally, judging by the vitamin bottles and water filter pitcher in the kitchen.

I don't see any catfood (no guarantee she fed the cats actual catfood), so there's a 50/50 chance she took the cats with her. Unfortunately cats always hide themselves very carefully when dying, usually deep under large objects/masses to prevent attack from predators, so the room will have to be completely cleaned to at least somewhat determine the fate of the cats.

It's a fun forensic exercise at least.. :sick2:
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I bought a house two years ago and it looked like that on inside as well. Took one year to get the place in usable condition. Those type of people never throw anything away. Mental illness I guess?

We found 7 lawn mowers outside. All date stamped two years apart meaning they would buy a new lawn mower every two years. When the old one would stop working they would just buy a new one and push the old one to the back of the yard.

You should see the scrap metal pile I'm piling up to take to the scrap yard.

Just the fact that I live within 75 miles of this place is gross. How you could live like that is amazing. At what point do you not even use the toilet? Think this person was at that point? Kind of appears so...

But at least they have good taste! Whataburger FTW!
Looks like a job for the verminators! :sick2: :green: :eek: :barf:

Maybe she's dead under all that junk. If the junk food didn't kill her the cigarettes probably did.

It's almost other worldly. I mean.....I can't even relate to that even in my imagination.
How did pictures of my house get on the web :thinking:,just kidding:crackup:.How does a person get to that point.I mean this did not happen over-night.Any idea how this person looked,dressed?WOW is abought all I can say:shakehead.
All right, admit it... who else was looking for flashlights buried in all that crap? Some of the thread comments on that other forum are hilarious!!
The photographs failed to load at the H-I website, but sixteen or seventeen pages into the thread, there is a link to another website where the photographs *DO* display.
Uggghhh!!! :shakehead
The word "mess" doesn't even begin to describe it. :( :sick2: :(

Here's the link to the website that has working photographs at the moment.
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pizza! anyone? LOL

[edited]Has someone been murdered in that bathroom? I thought I saw a finger on the floor.
and is that blood in the bath :sick2:
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My in-laws had a rental with a long tern tenant (20 years). Over the last year she'd gotten very flaky so they had to kick her out.

Despite being given more than a months notice, and even a final day to clean things out, the house was a similar mess. The popular theory was that she (50 years old) and her adult kids were all on drugs. They could not make a $500 a month payment between 5 adults...

The burn marks come from heating their drugs, and the the fire extinguisher was probably to handle the fires started when they were too out of it to be careful. Holes in the walls are common with meth heads, though I am not sure why.

$25,000 was all it took to renovate my in-law's rental. It's now renting (to section 8 renters) for $2100 a month.

I had to clear out a place with a real estate agent friend once that was nearly that bad...:(

Man it was a job and it was so revolting. We had to put ALL the waste into plastic bags and that meant touching some things I'd rather not have, we each had about three pairs of gloves on just incase. :tinfoil: There were more maggots than I had ever seen, McDonalds and chinese leftovers everywhere, mice, dead mice and all this garbage in very much an upmarket area.

Anyway a neighbour has spotted someone trying to break in while we were inside and had called the police. The cops had thought we were the suspected burglars at first and has asked us what there was that was valuable in the house. We told the truth - both of us saying "NOTHING" at exactly the same time and meanin git with all of our hearts. A woman officer in her mid 20's had the job of searching through the bags of waste to make sure nothing "valuable" was going out in the bags LOL! I think this was probably the worst day on the job yet!
Yuck. If someone wants to live in squalor like that, I have no problems letting them, PROVIDING it doesn't bother anyone else: I'm glad I didn't see anything that suggested children lived there.

Tenants like that are precisely why I switched from buying houses and renting them out to flipping them with no tenants involved. A few improvements and a few months for the real estate market to climb and I would rake in $80-$100k. How long would a perfect tenant have to live there and the house require NO repairs @ $2,500 a month to make the same $$$$? And all the while I'm still paying taxes on it and dealing with tenant headaches. No thanks!

I wonder if you can truly clean a place like that that has been neglected that much. Not so bad for a concrete slab type place but raised foundation where any moisture like that will seap into wood and the walls. Sometimes a smell like that just permeates into everything...ugh.