Got a coupon for $10 off @ lowes


Dec 5, 2007
Are there any lights worth having @ Lowes. I don't usually shop there (Home Depot is much closer to my house), but with this coupon I may see what they have...

What do you recommend?
You could pick up a SF 6P or G2L. Not sure if $10 off makes them any better of a deal than what you can find on-line.
I'm an AA kinda guy....I guess it might have been helpful to post that from the getgo...
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Taskforce 2C, cree 60X brighter. It runs off C batteries, but you can get AA to C adapters.
While that would technically fulfill the request for an AA light, I'm guessing that the OP's request is geared more towards keeping the bulk down.


Taskforce 2C, cree 60X brighter. It runs off C batteries, but you can get AA to C adapters.
If AA is a goal, I like my MiniMag LED AAx2 which they must sell at Lowes.
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If AA is a goal, I like my MiniMag LED AAx2 which they must sell at Lowes.

I agree get this and a aspheric lens from the sandwich shoppe and make it a pocket thrower.

By the way were did you get the coupon.
its in the Good Deals section on CPFMP. you have to have a visa card and fill out a little form on a website and it emails you the coupon. it doesnt ask for your card though, dont worry.

unless this is a different coupon