Flashlight Enthusiast
I just picked up a sweet M4 body from someone in the market place. I have a C2-HA on the way which I probably won't keep so I'll use the tailcap from that and part out the rest. So now I need a head and LED option for it. I would love to stick an M3TL head on there but I'm not going to spend what that thing cost! LOL. I've thought about getting an M3 head and doing the ol' D36 mod. However, per info in the "integrated sphere" thread, the Dx6 modules don't really put out anywere near their claimed output. (170 lumens after warm up for the D26) I'm looking to create a retina-scorcher, and I'm a throw junkie. (C'mon Gene, make a Malkoff for the M3 head! LOL!) So I'd like to hear some great ideas for an LEDs' for this "little" project of mine. I'm definetly looking into using 2x17670s' with it so any suggestions there would be appreciated as well. Fire away!!!