Unless, of course, you buy a light from Henry. :naughty:
Seriously though, has anybody ever reported having received a "bad tint" (whatever that may be) from one of Henry's lights????
Well it's way too subjective... But yes.. I have...
The Osram emitters that the Ra Twisty uses can have a tendency to be very cold in color temperature. The tint has a lot of white, mixed with some lavender/violet.. It does fine by itself, and is totally acceptable for providing light when you need it..
The first Twisty I owned was like that, very lavender, and cold..(85Tr)
Then I got a replacement because the U-wires broke. This replacement had a great tint! (85Tr) It was white, with warmth, just a hint of yellow on the fringe. Ah, the lottery is alive, and it's a Ra light!
Then, I picked up another 85Tr, and it had a crisply white tint, with some lavender mixed in..
So I've seen three Twisties. All of them with the Osram emitter. Two of which were on the cold side of color temp, the other was warmer with some yellow mixed in....
None of them were "bad" tints, but there certainly is fluctuation without GT.