H501w impressions


Newly Enlightened
Jun 2, 2009
Many years ago I bought an Arc-AA which has served me well as my only "good" light. A few weeks ago, I decided to see what was new in flashlights and started poking around in these forums. The result was an LD01, which blew me away for its output vs. size and led to more poking around and a Zebralight H501w. I'm starting to buy things I don't need so if I can help it, I'll lie low and see what lights are like again in a few years. (well, I have an Akoray K-106 on the way)

These forums have been invaluable to me for learning about flashlights, so I've decided to stop lurking and write a little too. Here's a mini review, which I've also posted on the Zebralight site. Thank you all for sharing your knowledge in CPF.

I've been using the H501w for about a week.


-Build quality looks first-rate.
-UI is quick and intuitive, and provides access to lowest and highest settings with a single push.
-The beam is soft and floody, illuminating a field of view unlike anything I've seen. After using this, I find the traditional hotspot + spillbeam distracting. The direction Zebralight is taking seems to be a much more natural way to view the environment.
-The unique configuration and quality of construction makes me think of a "tool" rather than a flashlight/ headlamp.
-The headband is very comfortable and light (although I haven't tried extended use)


-the supplied clip leaves a bit of a gap, but was easy to bend with pliers (I put some card in between the steel and plier teeth to prevent scratching). Now it works fine.
-It would be nice if a more integrated solution to different use-applications can be designed instead of the current clip and silicone holders. Right now they feel like add-ons, and it's a bit of a hassle to remove and insert these. But they do the job.
-Pushbutton switch has a nice pleasing click but is easy to activate accidentally. I found it inadvertently "on" in my pocket earlier. (lock out is possible through the tailcap).
-My personal preference for the headstrap would be a neutral and solid color, rather than the current patterned design.

This beam is a thing of beauty, and so far extremely practical. It makes me wish for Zebralight to offer a line with much narrower, yet still floody beams that are even throughout, (no hotspot) say 30-40 degrees, to complement the current line. This would still provide wider than normal coverage vs. a hotspot, gain throw and reduce unwanted light in my eyes or those of others (allowing candle-mode for instance). Having transitions in beams now seem quite unappealing to my eyes.

All in all, it seems Zebralight decided to question basic assumptions about what a flashlight or headlamp should be. Happily for me they have come up with a compelling solution. If they keep this up, the H501 is likely to be the first of many products I will be purchasing from them.
Thanks for the great review kiwicrunch. I ordered the H501w direct from Zebralight on the 16th and received it on the 27th. I used China Post for shipping.

The light is very bright with a slight pinkish hue--reminds me of an off-white fluorescent bulb. I haven't given it much use yet, but I was quite comfortable reading a book on the dim setting and I think on medium it would be adequate for navigating a trail or working around camp. If you are using it for close-up work, you will notice that the light is not centered on your head, but I quickly got used to this.

I agree with pretty much everything kiwicrunch said about it, so I won't bother repeating. One thing he didn't mention is if you double click the button while the light is on high, you go into "strobe" mode. I don't see any kind of strobe being very useful, but it's worth mentioning because the frequency is pretty crazy. I'd guess it flashes about 10-15 times a second--it's like having a personal disco everywhere you go!
Many years ago I bought an Arc-AA which has served me well as my only "good" light. A few weeks ago, I decided to see what was new in flashlights and started poking around in these forums. The result was an LD01, which blew me away for its output vs. size and led to more poking around and a Zebralight H501w. I'm starting to buy things I don't need so if I can help it, I'll lie low and see what lights are like again in a few years. (well, I have an Akoray K-106 on the way)

These forums have been invaluable to me for learning about flashlights, so I've decided to stop lurking and write a little too. Here's a mini review, which I've also posted on the Zebralight site. Thank you all for sharing your knowledge in CPF.

I've been using the H501w for about a week.


-Build quality looks first-rate.
-UI is quick and intuitive, and provides access to lowest and highest settings with a single push.
-The beam is soft and floody, illuminating a field of view unlike anything I've seen. After using this, I find the traditional hotspot + spillbeam distracting. The direction Zebralight is taking seems to be a much more natural way to view the environment.
-The unique configuration and quality of construction makes me think of a "tool" rather than a flashlight/ headlamp.
-The headband is very comfortable and light (although I haven't tried extended use)

All in all, it seems Zebralight decided to question basic assumptions about what a flashlight or headlamp should be. Happily for me they have come up with a compelling solution. If they keep this up, the H501 is likely to be the first of many products I will be purchasing from them.

Thank you so much for this. I just pulled trigger on the H501w after having the H501 for many months and loving it as my "around the house EDC". It's just so useful for so many things and a totally addictive light! I am going to use the warm for photography... I will post an update sometime soon!

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