HDS Reflector removal??


May 10, 2005
I'm modding my basic 60 with an XPG R4 - the pill is removed, the LED transplant went well (pill tests fine) but -

I can't get the damn reflector out! The pill is out the back, the bezel and O ring are removed from the front, but the reflector seems stuck, won't come out! It does come out the front, right? Need help, please, I need to modify it a bit.

John F
Once you remove the thin oring it should fall right out, that is if you have the later models that have the removable reflectors. Generally those with serial numbers under 1000 have a fixed reflector like the Arc4 & some SFs that are an integral part of the head.
Once you remove the thin oring it should fall right out, that is if you have the later models that have the removable reflectors. Generally those with serial numbers under 1000 have a fixed reflector like the Arc4 & some SFs that are an integral part of the head.

Well, that explains it - mine in ser. no. 0443, so it is fixed. My problem is that the XPG on 8mm board sits too low in the pill cavity, and if I screw in the pill far enough to focus, it no longer turns on (brass springs too short?)

Guess I can either unsolder the XPG and use a washer or something to hold it up more, or try to bend the side springs so they are longer, eh?
Guess I can either unsolder the XPG and use a washer or something to hold it up more, or try to bend the side springs so they are longer, eh?

I would not mess with those springs assuming you have the tailcap I'm thinking about. If the springs get damaged you might not have luck fixing it. It would be best to add a spacer for the XP-G.
I was afraid you were going to say that....

The switch assembly is no longer available, eh?
Use a shim of some sort. I believe malkoff Devices sells 0.030" copper shims, although these might not be the correct thickness for the XP-G base...

Good luck!
Got it. Used (of all things) a de-magnetized disc magnet that happened to be almost the perfect diameter and thickness to use as a shim. May not conduct as well as copper, but pretty darn close. I've run it on high for 10 minutes now with no stepdown. Not as warm tint as the Seoul P4 I took out, but brighter for sure, and pure white.

I'm going to keep the P4 in my other HDS, the Utimate 60XR until something a lot better comes along because it is bright enough, and perfect tint.

I do like the broader hotspot of this XPG a lot.

Thanks for your help.
I haven't had any heat problems with mine. It might have run hotter with the original Luxeon. My HDS is a later one and I sanded the reflector a little to focus it. The hot spot is nice and it still has some throw.
Yep, ran a AW LIon through it on high for 30 minutes, no thermal kickdown. I like the beam and tint of the XPG even better than the U P4, so I'll go ahead and put my other XPG in my Ultimate 60XR tomorrow. I don't care to wait for an XPG R5, and with my luck the tint wouldn't be right for me either. My XR 60 runs a bit lower current than the Basic 60, but the XPG should suit it just fine I would think.

John F