Hello I'm new and looking for a light recommendation


Newly Enlightened
Jul 14, 2010
I've been a lurker on the CPF for a long long time but finally made an account and decided to post. I have many many lights and currently my EDC light is a Fenix P1D Premium Q5 edition that I've carried on my keychain for about a year and a half. That was an upgrade from a previous Fenix E01 which was my keychain light and for a AAA light is was plenty bright, good enough to find the keys, walk the dog and night, etc but the need for more light lead me to the P1D.

As much as I love my P1D I'm starting to lean more towards a clicky instead of a twisty and I'd like to unclutter my keychain by getting something with a good secure pocket clip so I can distribute the weight between my pockets.

As far as features, I'd like a end cap click switch. I'd like at least two modes, high and low. Either 1xAA 1,AAA or 1xCR123, I'm leanign towards the AA or AAA for the sake of thinness. And it must have a securely attached pocket clip because I want to get away from keychain carry. I'm look in the $50 price range.

I've given the Preon 1 a look but to get a clicky I have to buy the switch as a spare part and the fact that clicky extends above the body has me a bit worried I might be accidental turning it on and off all the time. Also

I've also looked at the LiteFlux LF2XT but I can't seem to find one anywhere to buy plus it's kind of pricey for a light that seems to actually be dimmer than the Preon but it does have a more customizable brightness setting.

So I'm open to suggestions.
Welcome to CPF as a member. You might want to consider the Zebralight SC50. I don't have one yet, but I think it might be what you're looking for.

Based on your req the only powerful one that comes to mind is the Fenix LD 15 and I'm sure there was another similar light but I can't remember the name right now. No pocket clip that I know of on it though.
Hello and :welcome:

There is plenty of nice AA clicky's to fit your needs, here is a few good one's to get you started that is "close" to your budget.

Jet-I Pro
Zebralight SC50
Quark AA
Fenix LD10
Thank you for the suggestions so far. That Zebralight SC50 looks very nice. I like the fact that it also comes with a headlamp mount. One light to rule them all so to speak. I have a head lamb I leave in the car because m thought process is if I'm broke down and need to work on the car then I'm going to need both hands free.

I'm going to wait until the end of the weekend to see what other suggestions I get.
I'm relatively new to 'proper' lights as well, and have recently purchased numerous iTP & Dereelight lights - also a Zebralight SC50W.

Whilst I am happy with all of these - the brightness and beams of the Dereelights are fantastic - the size / weight, tint & beams of the iTP lights are outstanding for the small money.

The Zebralight (I actually bought two of these - one's a gift) stands out for it's absolutely excellent UI and BUILD QUALITY.
Sorry for shouting but those Zebralights are superb:hitit:
I can't recommend them highly enough - unless you want a lot of throw.

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