Help! 2C Maglite problem...


Newly Enlightened
Jul 1, 2008
guys, me big time noob here...juz bought myself a 2C maglite, my first full size mag...after i switched it on, i realized that the light cuts off when its pointing at the ceiling or the ground...izzit designed to be like this? coz i hav a minimag but its not like this...i've tried tightening the switch with an allen key but no diff...hope someone can enlighten me...thanks!
bulb is tight in holder....i have already tightened the switch to the max and still its like that..any suggestions?
No,once you turn on a Maglite it should stay on irregardless of what position the light is in.If you bought the Mag new I would return it for replacement.
It is a pretty simple device, just tighten everything and check it out should find the problem. You are using standard size batteries?
tore up da whole switch assembly and pieced it back and still the same prob....looks like gotta rma.....
My guess is that theres a loose connection in the spring/tower adjustable focus modulator thing type flux bin capacitor majigy. There is and can be only one solution...

In all seriousness try taking the spare bulb out of the tailcap and swapping it for the bulb you have now, the bulbs are held in place by a collar, and not actually screwed in themselves, so maybe the bulb is faulty or not within tolerances allowing it to slide up and down within the holder. If it works, good. If not call mag.
yes theres a rattling sound of something loose inside the switch assembly when i shake it...hopeless...rma...thanks for all the prompt reply from you guys!
While we're on the subject of 2C Maglite problems, I have one the switch on mine won't switch off. When you push down on it doesn't come back up. This problem happened about a month after I bought it.
I have one the switch on mine won't switch off. When you push down on it doesn't come back up. This problem happened about a month after I bought it.

Go to Kiu's site and go to picture 2, the Mag C switch taken apart. Possibly the switch spring is bad. There's a thread here that shows how to take apart the switch completely, sorry don't have the link.

If the spring is bad call Mag and see about getting it fixed under warranty. I doubt they'll send you just the parts, as the switch is sold and supplied as a complete unit.
Check the end of the tube & tailcap, Especially the place hold the tail spring.
did all anodized surface take out? Otherwise, clean it by yourself.
Stand the light on the lense and take the tail cap off. Crumple up some aluminum foil into a ball about the size of a marble and leave a tail sticking off of the ball of foil. Put the foil ball on the bottom of the battery and leave the tail sticking out of the light. Put the cap back on and see if the problem goes away. If it does, you have a bad connection at the tail end of the battery. The battery is supposed to make contact with the spring, the spring contacts the tail cap and the tail cap connects to the barrel of the light. One of those connections is bad.