HELP! reccomend a rcr123 charger

How old is your WF-139? The older ones seem to have a kind of "trickle-charging" built-in, which indeed ruins any Li-ion battery, as the voltage will rise over 4,200V in time....

The new ones seem to have a better design.

To overcome these problems, I decided to design my own Li-ion charger. With switchable capacities, numerous protections, and of course a true CC/CV charging.... prototype ready just today, and... it works :thumbsup:

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My wf-139 seems to be ruining my rcr123s. My budget is really tight, but I need a new charger. What fits the bill?

If you don't mind me asking- what leads you to believe that it is definitely the charger "ruining" your RCR123s?

Here's a few things to consider:

  • The WF-139, while not the best charger design for li-ion cells, would not cause immediate rapid decline in cell performance. Many people are using them with reasonable results. I don't really like the charger because it uses less than ideal charging algorithms, I do believe it will probably reduce useful cycle life, but I don't believe it's going to kill cells rapidly.
  • Most protected RCR123s will actually trip their PCB during a charge from a WF-139, at which point the WF-139 goes to an open circuit output voltage of ~5V or 11V depending on the model, this holds the PCB circuit "open" preventing the charger from over-charging the RCR123. (this will not happen with all RCR123 size cells but will with many of them)
  • Most problems with li-ion cells that are being used in proper applications come from the cell being lousy to begin with. They should give you years of service even on a lousy WF-139 if they are of decent quality and being used at reasonable drain rates.

I believe the more important question is which cells you are using, and what you are using them in.

My wf-139 seems to be ruining my rcr123s. My budget is really tight, but I need a new charger. What fits the bill?

My WF-138 seems to be ok .. If anything , it might stop a little early .

JUst got a Trustfire Tr001 .. Starting the tests now .
mdocod, They are grey label ultrafires which I have been using in a solarforce and a SF 6P for about a year now. Two of four are acting up since the last charge cycle. I've checked the charging voltage and it hasn't changed since I checked a few months ago. I think the PCBs are tripping under a lighter load than before, they will be acting normally and after a few seconds, the LED will dim to a barely discernible light level. I think the PCBs have tripped too many times due to the WF-139's means of charging, is this possible? Could the PCBs be, lets say, "tripped out" ? :thinking:
The grey UF RCR123s are well documented as having less than reliable PCBs... The WF-139 may not be helping, but there are actually quite a few purpose designed systems that use the PCB as a termination for the charge and the PCBs found in cells designed to work in those systems can handle quite a number of "trips" without issue.

I have pair of those grey UFs that were sent to me basically brand new as a gift along with an order, one is fine, the other exhibits "issues" with the PCB. If you spent some time gathering information from various threads reporting success/failure rates of UF RCR123 PCBs, I'd imagine you'd find a premature failure rate somewhere in the 20-40% range.


The DSD follows a slightly better charging routine than the WF-139 when they work properly. You should be on 110V here in the states so I doubt you'll have a problem with a DSD. You can find them for about $7 on that one place.... little more elsewhere...

I think replacing the charger is certainly an option, but I think in that case your best bet here is just to save up for a Pila IBC and in the mean time buy some higher quality cells to work with..

Have you considered going with a 1x17670 powered configuration rather than 2xRCR123s?

Thanks, I have known about the UF batts for awhile, I purchased them prior to my knowledge of CPF, I do have a couple of AWs and I think I'll get a few more. I do have my solarforce using a 17670 at the moment with a drop-in I put together, but my 6P has my favorite in it and works best over 6V.
I just ordered a DSD to tide me over until I can afford a Pila. My WF-139 apparently is gen 2 but I won't trust it for smaller cells anymore.

Thanks for the help!

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