Help with choosing a reliable 2-AA flashlight


Newly Enlightened
Jan 17, 2007
Please help me choose a flashlight. In order of importance, I'm looking for:

1) Reliability. This flashlight will be used for everyday use as well as in emergencies. It's important that the flashlight is well made, doesn't wear out quickly, and will be in good working condition 10 years from now in an emergency. This one is the most important, and I'm looking for something that's at least as reliable as a Maglite.

2) Cost. Less than $70.

The above two items are requirements. I'd be willing to compromise on the next three for an otherwise great flashlight.

3) Uses two alkaline AA batteries. I may use eneloops in there and might compromise on 2 D cells, but no CR123 please.

4) Brightness greater than 80 Lumens

5) Optional but preferred: Has a low power mode that lasts more than 24 hours

I'd love to hear your suggestions on what fits the above requirements, and if you have a suggestion that "almost" fits, that would be welcomed as well.

I've seen the Quark AAx2 and it fits requirements 2-5. Can anyone comment on its reliability? Overall, which brands are considered the best made / most reliable?

Thanks for any help!
fenix ld20

i have 2. had no problems and been very happy with them

the low mode is not super low (the only bad thing really) but the low lasts more than long enough for you and the build quality is very good

both of mine have very nice tints too
Most of the good brands that get favored here meet all your requirements so on the one hand you are in luck! On the other hand, you are gonna have to do a little more work choosing between all of them.

Are you looking for more throw or flood?
Are you interested in warm or neutral tints?
Do you care about part interchangeability or attachments?
Are you looking for more throw or flood?
A good compromise.
Are you interested in warm or neutral tints?
Don't care about color, but the whiter the better.
Do you care about part interchangeability or attachments?
Not at all.

I know that the above answers don't narrow anything down, but I'm really just looking for a good, reliable flashlight that'll last me a lifetime.
What brands (preferably in order) are known to be the most reliable?
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Okay, I just checked out the Fenix ld20 and that looks like a good option. Is Fenix known as a well-made brand?
Please help me choose a flashlight. In order of importance, I'm looking for:

1) Reliability. This flashlight will be used for everyday use as well as in emergencies. It's important that the flashlight is well made, doesn't wear out quickly, and will be in good working condition 10 years from now in an emergency. This one is the most important, and I'm looking for something that's at least as reliable as a Maglite.

2) Cost. Less than $70.

The above two items are requirements. I'd be willing to compromise on the next three for an otherwise great flashlight.

3) Uses two alkaline AA batteries. I may use eneloops in there and might compromise on 2 D cells, but no CR123 please.

4) Brightness greater than 80 Lumens

5) Optional but preferred: Has a low power mode that lasts more than 24 hours

I'd love to hear your suggestions on what fits the above requirements, and if you have a suggestion that "almost" fits, that would be welcomed as well.

I've seen the Quark AAx2 and it fits requirements 2-5. Can anyone comment on its reliability? Overall, which brands are considered the best made / most reliable?

Thanks for any help!

If reliability is a priority, then an Inova X2 might be what you're looking for. It meets all your requirement except for #5.

There's a member over at CPFMP selling the X2 and proceeds from his sale go to a good cause. Might want to check it out.

And here's a dealer selling the X2s that support CPF.
to Greg987 --

Gee, you've been a CPF member for 3 Years now . . . .

You should be able to provide ANSWERS to questions like this one.


PS: i cast a strong vote for 47's Quark AAx2

I don't think he was a very active CPF member. 3 years and only 6 post, 3 of those are from this thread.
I will second (3rd???) the Fenix LD20. I have had mine for nearly a year, absolutely no problems.

It has been used and abused, on multiple camping trips in inclement weather, house renovations, general purpose illumination, etc. I've dropped it on concrete from varying heights (everywhere from6inches to 6 feet), on gravel, in mud and water, and it still looks brand new! It's also a good loaner light, and feels very solid in the hand.

I personally wouldn't run it on turbo mode with alkalines, to help decrease the chance of a leaking battery, but all other modes work well with normal alky's...

The Quark series has stolen some of Fenix's thunder, and have the addition of a moon mode, but the Fenix user interface is a little less complicated, what with the fewer modes, and flashing modes...
I've seen the Quark AAx2 and it fits requirements 2-5. Can anyone comment on its reliability?
The circuit in mine lasted a week, and I immediately sold the replacement.
At any given time, the current crop of popular lights is probably not where you want to look with these criteria. Their focus is brightness and features at low cost, not construction quality and long-term reliability.
This is where we need a modernized Longbow Ecco to recommend(Longbow is out of business, unfortunately).
That Inova is probably a good suggestion, and I'd look at brands like UK, Pelican, Streamlight, even Mag, and keep it simple.
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What about Nitecore D20? They are nice quality. I also would suggest a look at the ITP C8, very affordable with variable ramping output... I've only had mine for 8 months but it seems durable and dependable to me so far.

If you're going to have a light sitting unused for a long period but want it to be ready when you are, you might want to consider popping a couple of lithiums into it rather than alkalines. After a year or two you might find try the light only to find that your alkies leaked.
The circuit in mine lasted a week, and I immediately sold the replacement.
At any given time, the current crop of popular lights is probably not where you want to look with these criteria. Their focus is brightness and features at low cost, not construction quality and long-term reliability.
This is where we need a modernized Longbow Ecco to recommend(Longbow is out of business, unfortunately).
That Inova is probably a good suggestion, and I'd look at brands like UK, Pelican, Streamlight, even Mag, and keep it simple.

You are one of the first people I've heard to criticize quarks quality. I've heard far more people who have problems with inova.

I think whichever light you go with, make sure you buy from a reputable seller and make sure the light you get has a good warranty, that way even if something does happen, you can get it taken care of.

You should also consider eagletac and jetbeam, I've always heard great things about both these brands.

Also check out this thread - "2xAA roundup"
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This will help you compare features:

2xAA Round-up Review: Fenix, Nitecore, Olight, ITP, Eagletac, Jetbeam, Mag ...

It's a bit out of date, but most of the data is there (some more recent examples are the Quark lights, LF3XT-2AA, Eagletac P20A2 - see my master list of reviews in my sig).

All of these lights pretty much meet or exceed your points 2-5. Point 1 is difficult to address, since long-term reliability is unknown. Although you will come across a lot of opinions, it is impossible to know reliability from a limited sample of experiences. :shrug:

Of course, part of the issue is not reliability of the light - but of the warranty policy of the maker (and the likelihood they are still in business 10 years from now). Again, hard to know ... :whistle:
I'd vote for the Fenix TK20 in terms of reliability, i personally own one and was swayed by what i read about one of our fellow CPF-ers (think it was Marduke) who brings the TK20 caving, there was a picture too of the TK20 after caving, soaked with mud, etc.
In my lifetime I have purchased two houses and more than twenty cars(= BIG buck decisions).
Never, not one time, have I ever asked anyone's advice, opinion, or help.

In the past few months I have purchased a Fenix TK40, a Nitecore D10 R2, and a Photon Micro-Light II. I did the research, read the threads, compared the specs and prices. Then, I MADE MY OWN DECISIONS!

A few weeks ago I saw a thread where someone was asking advise on which 3x5" spiral notebook to buy. Jeeeeezz!!!
I can see you've made many great decisions, including some of the most recent ones such as the decision to be rude and to post irrelevant, unhelpful comments.

So what if he wants advice? We're all here because we like flashlights and like talking about them.
In my lifetime I have purchased two houses and more than twenty cars(= BIG buck decisions).
Never, not one time, have I ever asked anyone's advice, opinion, or help.
Good for you. Some of the rest of us like to make informed decisions. Collecting information is prerequisite to an informed decision, so maybe let's not threadcrap someone looking for a recommendation?
What better way to assess a product you are considering purchasing, then to ask the opinion of other like-minded individuals who may already own said product?

A few weeks ago I saw a thread where someone was asking advise on which 3x5" spiral notebook to buy. Jeeeeezz!!!

Have a little perspective before you judge. How many regular people would say, "if you want a flashlight, just get the cheap one at walmart," when they read a flashaholic posting in-detail questions about a light?
I had about the same criteria when I had to choose an EDC 2 AA light too. It came down to two choices that have already been mentioned in this thread, the 4 Sevens Quark AA^2 and the Fenix LD20. I went with the Fenix because parts of it were a little bit smaller in outer diameter, which was a big concern for me because I was going to carry it literally every single day. I love my LD20, but the Quark AA^2 is also an *excellent* light and worthy of all the praise it gets here on CPF.

The one big knock against the LD20 and any Fenix light is that Fenix is not a US manufacturer, so getting warranty service may be a problem it you can't send it back to a US retailer. I haven't come across that problem yet because none of my Fenix lights have had a problem, but I'll admit that it is in the back of my mind.
In my lifetime I have purchased two houses and more than twenty cars(= BIG buck decisions).
Never, not one time, have I ever asked anyone's advice, opinion, or help.

In the past few months I have purchased a Fenix TK40, a Nitecore D10 R2, and a Photon Micro-Light II. I did the research, read the threads, compared the specs and prices. Then, I MADE MY OWN DECISIONS!

A few weeks ago I saw a thread where someone was asking advise on which 3x5" spiral notebook to buy. Jeeeeezz!!!
