High-pitched whine from AW 14500 w/ Jetbeam RRT-0


Newly Enlightened
Dec 25, 2009
Greetings, folks. I noticed a while back after leaving my flashlight in my car overnight in sub-freezing temperatures (20F or so) that when my AW 14500 battery is partially (not totally) drained, it emits a strange whine that varies in pitch based on what output setting I have my flashlight set to.

My charger, an UltraFire quick charger, charges to 4.18V, according to my Fluke 29 Series II that was calibrated professionally about a year ago, and I normally put the battery in the charger before it drops below 3.7.

Is this normal of these batteries or this flashlight, or should I discontinue use of this battery?

Thanks in advance.