HO-9 High Output 9V Lamp - 320 Lumen in SF 6P


Newly Enlightened
Jul 3, 2006
I live in Arnold, Missouri
I ordered a Cree XR-E P4 LED *170 Lumen* 3.7V-13V D26 Bulb assy., it's on B/O :whistle:, however, I also ordered the HO-9 High Output 9V Lamp - 320 Lumen, both from Wolf Eyes for my Surefire 6P and ordered 6 of AW's RC123 750mah batteries.

I just installed the HO-9 320 Lumen assy. tonight and it worked perfectly. Man is it bright as it's probably about 190 lumen when compared to the way Surefire rate their lumens.

All I had to do is to take a pair of needle nose pliers to the inner spring and squeeze about 3 or 4 coils together as hard as I could which made my momentary button a little easier to press, about the same as it was with the stock set-up. Prior to that it was awful hard to press but this fixed it. :twothumbs
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Got any beamshots? I have been courious of these Lamps. I started to order some once but never got contacted back by them, but that was when they were just starting up, hb.
I have the HO-9 bulb in my C2 with two AW 3.7 volt 123R's... and it is unbelievably bright. Runtime is only about 35 minutes though, but well worth the brightness. It's like a mini searchlight! I was at a dance party the other night and when they blacked out the dance lights (made by Cyberlight - top of the line), I lit up my C2 and people could not believe it! Especially because of the size of the C2, only about 5 inches long.
I have the HO-9 bulb in my C2 with two AW 3.7 volt 123R's... and it is unbelievably bright. Runtime is only about 35 minutes though

how are you getting 35 minutes runtime on AWs RCR123s into a HO-9?

runtime on brand new cells topped off to 4.200V is 24 minutes with a HO-9.
how are you getting 35 minutes runtime on AWs RCR123s into a HO-9?

runtime on brand new cells topped off to 4.200V is 24 minutes with a HO-9.


I've tested runtime with HO-9 + AW RCR123s. 22 minutes before noticiable dimming.

35-40 minutes runtime is correct with 18500's.
With 2x 18500's in Wolf-Eyes 9AX, I have noticed more power from the HO-9 compared to Surefire M2 + 2x AW high current RCR123's.

HO-9 runtime tested :

- with 2x AW RCR123 : 22 minutes
- with 2x 18500 Wolf-Eyes 1400mAH : 40 minutes
I was using this set up in a Z2 as my primary duty belt light for a couple of months and it is a superb light. I've gone to using the same bulb in a C3 with 2 x 17500's for the extra safety and longer run time.
how are you getting 35 minutes runtime on AWs RCR123s into a HO-9?

runtime on brand new cells topped off to 4.200V is 24 minutes with a HO-9.

I'm not sure.... but last time I clocked it, it came in at about 35 minutes (I didn't count seconds).

I'll try it again.
I was using this set up in a Z2 as my primary duty belt light for a couple of months and it is a superb light. I've gone to using the same bulb in a C3 with 2 x 17500's for the extra safety and longer run time.

Bagman, I'm not sure what you mean by "extra safety?" Do you mean because of added length for "batton-type" safety?
the extra safety comes from the fact that any li-ion configuration that has a total runtime of less than 30 minutes is considered dangerous for continuas use and should be used in a respectful manner. Bumping up the cell size to 17500s for an HO-9 puts runtime up over 30 minutes, brings the drain rate on the cells down to around 1.5C, which is safe for continuas discharge. On RCR123s, the drain rate tends to be in the 2.5C range, the actual capacity of these cells is more like 550-600mAH when driven into a 1.5A load of a HO-9. AW has some of the safest cells for these configurations available, but it is still probably somewhat risky, I suggest shallow discharges, used in short increments to maximize cells life. When total measured runtime drops below 20 minutes, or cells won't hold above 4.0V after coming off the charger, they need to be replaced. This can happen relatively fast when using cells in this manner, so keep an eye on things, run a test once and awhile.
the extra safety comes from the fact that any li-ion configuration that has a total runtime of less than 30 minutes is considered dangerous for continuas use and should be used in a respectful manner. Bumping up the cell size to 17500s for an HO-9 puts runtime up over 30 minutes, brings the drain rate on the cells down to around 1.5C, which is safe for continuas discharge. On RCR123s, the drain rate tends to be in the 2.5C range, the actual capacity of these cells is more like 550-600mAH when driven into a 1.5A load of a HO-9. AW has some of the safest cells for these configurations available, but it is still probably somewhat risky, I suggest shallow discharges, used in short increments to maximize cells life. When total measured runtime drops below 20 minutes, or cells won't hold above 4.0V after coming off the charger, they need to be replaced. This can happen relatively fast when using cells in this manner, so keep an eye on things, run a test once and awhile.

Wow mdocod, great information! So based on what you're saying, what would be a safer configuration for my C2 with the HO-9 that I am currently using with 2x AW 123R cells? I'd want to maximise brightness and runtime. Brightness being the most important for me at this point. Thanks!
As long as you use the HO-9 in short bursts (under a minute is best, up to a few when needed), and recharge the cells whenever possible (try not to discharge down below 50%, so try not to use more than 10 minutes of runtime before recharging) then the HO-9 on 2x RCR123s could give a safe life of around 200-400 cycles.. In reality, lights like this don't often get turned on for long periods of time anyways, for me, it's usually 5-30 seconds at a time. If you NEED a configuration that you can run continuasly through the run, step down to a SR-9, or a EO-4 on a 17670. Then you don't have to worry about brushing up against the safety margin as much...

I still recomend replacing cells that have dropped below 80% inicial capacity. (won't hoold above 4.0V, won't give 80% of their original runtime, etc)... regardless of how they are used, cells become most dangerous as you age..

Need to give credit where credit is due here... I'm regurgitation this valuable information. Silverfox, and Newbie, and many other contributors, have really done the grunt work on learning and sharing this information on CPF originally.
OK thanks. If I go to an EO-4 or an SR-9 on a 17670, what am I looking at brightness wise and runtime as compared to the brightness I have now?

Now that I've looked, it looks like not as bright, but better runtimes. Will I notice the loss of brightness? How much longer runtime should I expect?
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how are you getting 35 minutes runtime on AWs RCR123s into a HO-9?

runtime on brand new cells topped off to 4.200V is 24 minutes with a HO-9.

OK, I just re-tested and the bulb burned brightly for exactly 21 minutes and then completely shut down.... I guess you guys were right.
make sure you get the configuration right...

here's my "estimated for comparison purposes" stuff from the compatibility chart...


Cell configuration: 1x17670

Bulb Options:
LF D26 HO-4: 7W, 50 min, 110 lumen
G&P D26 3.7V: 8W, 45 min, 125 lumen
WE D26 3.7V: 8W, 45 min, 125 lumen
LF D26 EO-4: 9W, 40 min, 135 lumen


Bulb Options:
LF D26 ES-9: 7W, 45 min, 115 lumen
LF D26 SR-9: 9W, 30 min, 140 lumen
LF D26 HO-9: 12W, 20 min, 200 lumen
SF P90: 9W, 30 min, 130 lumen
G&P G90: 9W, 30 min, 130 lumen
Pathfinder P90: 10W, 25 min, 160 lumen
WE D26 9V: 10W, 25 min, 165 lumen
Pila GL3 LA: 10W, 25 min, 165 lumen


If you want to stick to the cells you already have, I'd suggest trying out a WE D26 9V, and a LF-SR-9. I think you'll find that to the eyes, they don't look much different than the HO-9 at all, especially after a few minutes of runtime, the HO-9 sags the voltage so much, that it's really only impressive in the first few minutes. After 10 minutes I'd be willing to bet the SR-9 would be just as bright. and whiter to boot.

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