Sorry guys, I completely forgot about this thread.
Here's a pic of the knife so far, as of about a week ago, I think:
It's fairly obvious what I want polished now, after having taken my dremel to it, with 1/4 of a tube of steel polishing compound. It's also obvious that there is no coating on it (and I doubt I'll be putting any coating on it, either)
I think I'm just going to stick with the dremel+polishing compound right now, as I have plenty of that, and I don't have much money to spend, to go out and buy the various grits of sandpaper.
This one is currently a prototype that will be for me. I have 3 people already that want pocket knives out of D2, and like that texture. The fun part for those though, is going to be getting the plates, so I can plate quench the blades, to ensure they are straight as possible.
I will not be putting an edge on it until I get around to getting the stainless bar stock for making the handle (I enjoy making everything from scratch. I can't really explain what it does for me)
Are there any specific brands/types of oil you guys favor, to keep the knife from rusting?