wow..... no comment. the way you said that partnered with the smiliey was just great.
:laughing: Three beers into our trip, I seem to remember the conversation went as follows:
"Bruce, can I tell you something, but don't be mad, OK?"
" can I promise not to be mad?"
"Seriously, don't be mad, OK?"
"Ugh, just tell me..."
"I just pee'd in our canoe..."
"You're kidding right?? Seriously, are you kidding or not??"
"No, I'm serious, I just pee'd."
"You mean this is your pee swishing around my feet?? (name)! We're in a *!#*ing river, you couldn't have just gone over the side??"
"Ummm, right... Anyway, let's find someplace to dump out the canoe."
That was about 15 years ago, he's a professor of biophysics now, and we still meet up every year or so. I wasn't mad even at the time because hey, what's a little urine among friends, right?