yeah, I don't think there are that many alternatives.. maybe if you could get a camera timed to take pictures every minute? maybe a webcam?
I did that for a runtime graph for the Kingpower K2.
I came to the light... Webcams tend to be fairly inexpensive these days.
either way i will wager that its cheaper than buying a new Datalogging lightmeter.
My set up works only relatively to itself, but it DOES give you runtimes.
You have to download the Microsoft (if youre using microsoft) pack thingy. it give you a few applications, one of which lets you use the webcam itself. google it, im pretty sure it is findable.
Just set up some kind of diffusing unit (i used an opaque white coloured cap thing, and toilet roll tube to space it away from the sensor).The toilet roll also isolated the sensor from ambient light
Then, just set up your Lightmeter's Range properly, and set up your Camera so that it will snap every few minuites or so at the screen of the lightmeter. I would at least check in on your set up every 15-30 mins. Do note that as the light starts falling out of regulation, it will drop, FAST, so you might want to change the capture time to a few seconds. Oh and make sure you have some space on your harddrive for the hundreds of pictures there will be.
after that, just spreadsheet the whole thing lux/elapsed time and graph it.
If you have nothing better to do, i suggest renting a movie and watching it while waiting.
i watched Casino Royale.