How to pimp my Maglite


Apr 19, 2004
OK...Today I ordered the new Terralux SSC p4 drop in for the 2-3cell Maglites. Then I ran out and picked up a Pewter-colored 2-D-Cell Maglite (In 4 stores, I couldn't find any C-cell Mags)

**Where can I find a UCL-Glass Replacement lens for the D-sized lights...

**What sources for after-market reflectors are there, and should I go for Heavy or light stipple, heavy or light OP, Mirror, or what? I am most interested in THROW.

**Anything else I can do to improve it?

**Also, this will be the first light in a long time that hasn't run on Lithiums, or NiMH AA what are the preferred brands for D-cells? Or is it plain 'ol Duracell/Energizer?

Thanks in advance!

**Added: Does that Nite-Ize Grip n Clip carrier fit on the 2-cell model, or does it need to be 3 or more?
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techwg said:
did i see maglite and "pimp" in the same sentance ?

Best time would be to stand out on a busy street corner with your mag, during an extended blackout, and get her to flash it. and the UCL 52.1mm x 1.90mm on sale for $5.50 is what you want. Really makes a difference - unless your eyes are so dim and beyond help ;)

For most throw you want to keep the stock Mag reflector. Especially since you will be using an LED, no need for aluminum, no need to worry about melting. A sputtered reflector smooths out the beam artifacts. Not sure where to buy them at the moment...

Other improvements... place thick viscosity silicone grease on all 3 threads. (tail cap, reflector head, lens ring) What grease to use? Controversial topic. (I just use the silicone that came with a water filter repair kit I have… very thick) You can get a thin rubber bicycle inner tube over the Mag as a super grip. A ½" wide ring of rubber as a shock absorber around the front lens bezel ring too…

Batteries… all kinds of options. You could hunt down a 3AA to D adaptor in parallel, and use 6 AA lithiums for all their advantages. (You could have ordered a 3-6 Cell TerraLux and used it in the 2D with a fivemega 6AA to 2D adaptor for series arrangement of NiMh and quick charging as a "battery pack" …) Just adding this crazy option as an idea for others to think about :)

Or just use normal D size NiMh or alkalines which is what I would end up doing to save costs.

I don't know about the Nite Ize Grip n Clip...
Delta said:
OK...Today I ordered the new Terralux SSC p4 drop in for the 2-3cell Maglites. Then I ran out and picked up a Pewter-colored 2-D-Cell Maglite (In 4 stores, I couldn't find any C-cell Mags)

**Where can I find a UCL-Glass Replacement lens for the D-sized lights...

**What sources for after-market reflectors are there, and should I go for Heavy or light stipple, heavy or light OP, Mirror, or what? I am most interested in THROW.

**Anything else I can do to improve it?

**Also, this will be the first light in a long time that hasn't run on Lithiums, or NiMH AA what are the preferred brands for D-cells? Or is it plain 'ol Duracell/Energizer?

Thanks in advance!

**Added: Does that Nite-Ize Grip n Clip carrier fit on the 2-cell model, or does it need to be 3 or more?

I didn't even know there was a Terralux SSC p4 for 2Ds yet, have to check it out! About the reflector, I think you should stay with the stock one if you want maximimum throw. UCLglass can be bought from a lot of places, I bought mine from You might also check out D-sized NiMH, pretty sure they are available now. Good luck.
Yep, I just ordered my lens from John at Lighthound, whom I use whenever possible.

I just found online that they make the accessoy kits that you usually only see for the Minimags in the "D" cell size. I might have to grab one of those.

D-sized NiMH Energizers would be nice....

Now for someone to machine a MagLite Strike-Bezel!
Cydonia said:
Batteries… all kinds of options. You could hunt down a 3AA to D adaptor in parallel, and use 6 AA lithiums for all their advantages. (You could have ordered a 3-6 Cell TerraLux and used it in the 2D with a fivemega 6AA to 2D adaptor for series arrangement of NiMh and quick charging as a "battery pack" …) Just adding this crazy option as an idea for others to think about :)

Im currently 'building' a 2D maglite into a 6AA version using FM's adapter with the 3-6 cell terralux... My first "Magmod" - its not much of one, but im having fun playing around with all the bits etc... Might even post a review of it when its all finished! :grin2:
Delta said:
.......Now for someone to machine a MagLite Strike-Bezel!

You mean somthing like this?

Member Kiu has made a few versions. Two in SS and one in Al, bare or black HA. Look in GB forum. Currently out but more may be on the way, or watch BST.
Delta said:
OK...Today I ordered the new Terralux SSC p4 drop in for the 2-3cell Maglites. Then I ran out and picked up a Pewter-colored 2-D-Cell Maglite (In 4 stores, I couldn't find any C-cell Mags)

FWIW, Home Depot carries the 2C, but only in black. Both of the ones I shop at in SW Ohio have them in stock.
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Niteowl said:
You mean somthing like this?

Member Kiu has made a few versions. Two in SS and one in Al, bare or black HA. Look in GB forum. Currently out but more may be on the way, or watch BST.

Thats like flashlight porn right there. Damn!
I'm still laughing about the title of this An LED drop in from Terralux and a UCL lense is a nice upgrade. Also, an easy way to "pimp" it color wise is by exchanging colors between maglite pieces. You can interchange bezels, heads, bodies and tail caps. Mix and match them of you like....
If You want to go the extreme led way, You could insert a (homemade) tri-emitter (with a 2 D only a tri-setup will be possible).

Its quite expensive (depending on ones point of view)!
Would need a screw-in heatsink, three emitters, 3 reflectors (16 or 17 mm best, maybe 19 mm for more throw, a driver (shark).
Get everything at the "Sandwich Shoppe"

Instead of the reflectors, the normal 8 degree optics (three for price of one refli) are possible but these are not this good (imho).
Wow! I just had an epiphany! Has any put bling on their mags yet? I need to order some of that bedazzle crap. Or maybe contact P Diddy and see if he would be interested in going in together on a 1 million dollar jewel encrusted flashlight.
All you have to do is spend ALOT of time here at CPF...use the search function and try searches like mag, m*g, mag will find tons of different things you can do to "pimp" your maglight...These guys are very creative and has done everything with their maglights except put in hydrolics and little tv's, lol...