How to read Eneloop date code.

The first two digits are the year and the second two digits are the month. So that would be September, 2007. If so, you have discovered that mythical species, an Eneloop of recent manufacture.
The code is hard to see. Usually you find it embossed along the seam when holding the battery on its side with the button to the left. A magnifier helps.
How do I decipher the date code on my Eneloops? For example, 07-09EV.
The first two digits are the year and the second two digits are the month. So that would be September, 2007. If so, you have discovered that mythical species, an Eneloop of recent manufacture.

Yes, as quoted manufactured 2007. They are marked '07-02R2'. Bought from in here Finland.

Till now, the most recent Eneloop manufacturing date was reported by cannesahs; your cells just beat that by seven months Turbo DV8.

A welcome report, finally ...

:eek:.. I can't find it ANYwhere.

Is the code on the package or the cells themselves

All writing is SO tiny

The code itself is actually in quite a large font TooManyGizmos.

It's also printed on the back of the package, but it differs from the code on the cell in that it expresses the year in four rather than two digits, ie: 2006 - 06.

I've noticed that as time goes by, the embossed code on the cell itself starts to smooth out somewhat, making it even harder to read. Probably just the clear cover reacting to temperature changes and handling.

So, a bright light that throws a hard shadow, and the magnifying glass suggested by Mr Happy will both help.
07-10SP (AAA) and 07-09SI (AA)

I beat you!

What do I win?

They were bought in a kit with the gray Sanyo NC-MQH01U Super Quick Charger, that was bundled with 2500 mAh NiMH in the past, at a Costo in Canada.
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I bought one of those blue carrying case Eneloop kits at Costco several months ago. The AA cells are 07-10SX. The AAA cells are 07-11H5.
The code is hard to see. Usually you find it embossed along the seam when holding the battery on its side with the button to the left. A magnifier helps.

Finally found it on length of batt. edge:

My battery says "07-10SS"
(Clear stamping pressed into silver wrapper)(no black ink)

Can only be seen with magnifier and light reflecting on it.

Blue package from Costco / Bought 3-24-08 / 6-AA's + 2-AAA's / Ft.Myers store.

The package has no date on it that I can find.

Thanks for helping me find it !:D .... I had given up.

Wondering what "SS" on the end means.

So that would be September, 2007. If so, you have discovered that mythical species, an Eneloop of recent manufacture.

The mythical species was recently found on clearance at Wally World, in a kit containing 4 AA cells and the MQN05 charger, for $16.
Two days ago I found a new MQN05U kit at Costco hiding, clearly an orphan from last year, as they have not carried this kit for months now. The AA cells are June 2006. The remaining capacity was 1417-1501 mAh, but keep in mind Sanyo do not necessarily charge the cells to 100% before shipping. After one cycle, they are delivering between 1970-2080 mAh. Now on second cycle to see if that can be bumped up a bit and evened out.
Spotted at Kaidomain thanks to Norm; Eneloops manufactured 02/2008:


It appears that what seemed an endless inventory of Eneloops manufactured in mid 2006 are finally being cleared off the shelves.

While it good to see fresh product, I can't help but think this development is going to effect the overall pricing and availability of the Eneloop, especially at outlets such as Wal-Mart.

Sanyo may not be quite so willing to let these outlets squeeze their margins as mercilessly as they probably did while clearing the 2006 inventory.
Thank you to everyone, for this news !


Glad to see Sanyo is making more. :)

Hopefully, when Fenix-Store begins stocking Eneloops,

they'll be from a recent batch. :wave:

Originally Posted by Bones
It appears that what seemed an endless inventory of Eneloops manufactured in mid 2006 are finally being cleared off the shelves.
Are there any reasons for the ones dated 06 to be considered inferior due to sitting on the shelf so long? Examples; inability to hold a charge, can't charge to maximum capacity, quick drain, ext.? You get the idea.
It don't think the mid 2006 ones are considered inferior....they were just the ones that seemed to show up the most in the various closeout sales.

I've gotten similar capacity results from cells produced in mid 2006 as ones produced in late 2007.
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Thank you to everyone, for this news !


Glad to see Sanyo is making more. :)

Absolutely. But with the new batch, it's also clear now that Sanyo's graphics design team continues to be asleep at the wheel.
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