How's The Weather There ?

I hope you have a flashlight or lantern you can use. ;)

Just yesterday, my NightWatch CHAOS finally arrived, hard to explain how much light is on High__ALOT
High is pulling around 25A in a two 21700 light, Turbo is double that, not a typo, double that
,, I haven't bothered going there:eek:

Anyway, no property damage or tree damage,, always feel like I just dodged one.

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Mix of clouds, sun & a few sprinkles.
Sunny, right around 85-degrees F.
We had one day of Spring last week, and now we have Summer from Winter. Thankfully they gave us a new, larger fan this year at my 3rd Shift job; after 11 years. How kind of them. Would have happily spent my own money and bought my own for everyone to use. But Management flies into a rage if you use equipment they themselves didn't issue you. :rolleyes:
I...I don't know how to say this,'s snowing. Cloudy, around 0°C.
It's supposed to be the middle of the summer right now!

I make a lot of jokes about the short summer we have here in Norway, and snow in May can be expected, but...I've been living in my current location for 25 years, and June-July-August has always been the summer months - without SNOW!

I fitted the summer wheels on my mother's car yesterday!

It's been going for 15 minutes now...


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Yeah, I think I will call in a bit late tomorrow, saying I have to fit the studless wheels on my own car. This is crazy. :confused:

Absolutely unnecessary post,
but we've had right around 16" on precipitation since Jan. 1 you know
It's finally warming to the upper 60s.

So, @KITROBASKIN, 😁 I started the prep work for painting Mom's garage.

It took most of the day to scrape, wire brush, and sand the peak trim. And yes, those are LED tubes in the eight-foot fixtures. They're so much nicer than the original fluorescent tubes.

The clouds were most welcome during part of the afternoon. 🥵

You're a good son.
Ha! That's how Mom refers to me as her Good Son. People ask her, "How many sons do you have?" Mom, "Only one."

And that is one fine garage!
It's past time that I apologize to you for my joke referencing your Mother. I was too dense to consider that she might have passed away. I'm sorry. Please forgive me.
We were at 22.3" of rain here as of 7am. Roads were actually dry, then all hell broke loose around 10am-2pm. I've not received updated weather data since then, but easily another 3-6" of rain.

God was gracious though, so far no water in homes yet. There was supposed to be late afternoon-evening bands of rain which haven't materialized. Utilities have been solid despite this, and despite everything being underground here.

CG, that is noble of you to apologize. I have messed up big time making jokes in the past. Totally, totally do not hold that against you; never did.

My wife admires a person that can move beyond heated argument, treating one another with respect and friendship after anger and harsh words. You have that admirable trait as well as other fine qualities.

We have been having hot spells.