I can't find my thread I started. Was it deleted?

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Newly Enlightened
Dec 2, 2007
I started a thread yesterday about a good budget 18650 battery powered flashlight and now it is gone. It had some good helpful post in it and now it is gone. What gives.
its the magical bunnies, common on here... they pluck threads that may have mentioned DX or KD perhaps? i think they're not allowed in this section.
If some replies to a thread suggesting something from DX of KD the thread gets delted? Why is that?
If some replies to a thread suggesting something from DX of KD the thread gets delted? Why is that?

Well, apparently direct DX/KD links are forbidden now, (even to the legitimate, high-quality products). The reasoning given in the thread linked to a statement about advertising (why members with hundreds or thousands of posts have their posts edited for advertising is still beyond me).

Then another member directly linked to the product in question again and was banned for 3 days.
I have had a thread or two pulled :scowl: - if any moderators are reading this can you explain please - surely mentioning a product we have seen on another site will harm no one?? - or is it a case of if say DX or Kai payed for advertising on CPF we could mention their stuff? - or is it that their stuff is considered too crappy for flashlight snobs??
Only asking so I don't post the wrong stuff in future - no offense meant :wave:
PS: just thought is it maybe because we didn't post in good deals in marketplace?
Read this. Your thread was deleted as an invitation for people to advertise DX/KD products. There have been far too many such threads, almost identical. There is a sticky thread specifically for these items, which you can hardly have failed to see.

Please also read Rule 6.

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