I don't NEED a new flashlight but...


Newly Enlightened
Aug 14, 2009
I want one. I am looking for a new SST-50 light. My lights so far are:

Jetbeams RRT-1, RRT-2, JetIIIM, and Jet I Pro IBS.
Surefires E2DL, and 9P w/ BOG Q5 Dropin
Lumapower Connexion X2

I want something that is 1 18650 in size. I have thought about a Solarforce L2P w/ Nailbender dropin, Olight M21, or the new Lumapower Signature Tactical VX. I am wondering if any of these lights will blow me away compared to what I already have. I have also thought about waiting for the new RRT-3 even though it is much bigger. I'm not really a fan of the long skinny lights like the Catapult and the M1X. What do you guys think?

No fair. I was about to shamelessly advertise my (now for sale) setup.

Anyway, http://www.cpfmarketplace.com/mp/showthread.php?t=214261. It's the highest-binned SST-50 with the highest regulated driver publicly available for a P60 sized (except for the head) 1x18650, with a reflector design that will out-throw basically anything non-aspheric near its size, matching far larger R2 designs for throw while providing nearly triple the overall output.

Any other 1x18650 SST-50 setup (with the possible exception of the TLS head, which is larger and does a worse job then the DBS) will have considerably less throw and is correspondingly less impressive. If you want a light to show off in front of friends, this is it :thumbsup:

And I would still say that, even if I wasn't selling it. I can hardly bear to part with it as it is. :sigh:
I have seen the thread where you built you're light. It is appealing but the head is a little bigger than I am looking for. I will keep it in mind though.
Been looking at this,

LumaPower D-Mini VX ULTRA 550 Lumens on 1 x 18650 or 1 x RCR123A
On sale, 99$ from 145$


I posted it because you said you didnt like long skinny lights. Lumapower has many interesting form factors, quality should be very good, very versatile and compact throwers.

For the price, you'd be better off with a custom Nailbender module in a L2P host, you'll get legoability and your pick of the tint\binning lotto with your choice of driver and modes. Flexibility is a good thing, especially when it nets you a considerably brighter light. The advantage of stock lights is price, but a $70 nailbender SST-50 & a $32 L2P pretty much ties the D-Mini even on sale - and you'll get likely quite a few more lumens per watt with a GJ bin SST-50, unless LumaPower started picking binnings.
Olight M21, 500 lumens, 119$, SST-50

Olight M20, Titanium Warrior, 500 lumens, 279$, SST-50

Removeable cigar hold with thread covering ring, I like the holster, and case, think all lights should have both. I have the M20 R2, will get the titanium, if price goes lower.


Does anyone have any experience with the Lumapower Signature Tactical? I can't find many reviews on it or pro's and con's.
I've got the Olight M21 Warrior and was very happy with its performance, until I saw selfbuilt's review of the LumaPower D-Mini VX Ultra:


Page down and you'll see the beam comparison between the M21 and D-Mini VX Ultra :eek:. The D-Mini, using the SST-50 is driven harder and spits out a much brighter beam, albeit for shorter run time...

The Olight is great, but I'm thinking I might take the plunge on the D-Mini VX Ultra...:broke: