I guess I should have asked first. A charger question.

1700 mAh x 0.7C = 1.2A recommended charging rate for your pack. This charger charges at 1.4A for 0.8C, or so. Alligator clips for magnet leads. Although I would have opted for a UL Listed variation, it looks good.
I recently purchased this http://www.batteryjunction.com/muunsmchwite1.html charger to charge my 15.6V pack from LuxLuthor.

It looked OK to me but then it occurred to me. I have no idea what looks OK.:ohgeez: So I pose the question to all of you that have more experience than me.

Does it look OK?


Yeah that is one of the many "universal" affordable chargers, and has the proper voltage range for that pack. However, make sure to use the 0.7mA charge rate selection (not 1.4). I used one like that for a long time with 14.4V and 15.6V NiMH packs, before getting more elaborate charger. :twothumbs