I have $250 extra to spend on lights!!! Help!!

By the way, you may want to give people here more details about what you want to use it for so they can give you better advice.

Saw some kind of questionnaire thing for just this reason. I'll see if I can find it.

Hello Coast --

Welcome to CandlePowerForums.


I'm gonna' make a friendly Suggestion . . . .

Since you've already told us that you are "12 going on 13" years of age,

don't be too Eager and Anxious to spend Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars on Flashlights ! ! !

Start Slowly.

SLOWLY ! ! !

Got It ?

Decide on ONE flashlight which you really want.

Do all of the research yourself ! ! !

Plenty of Reading Material available here on CPF.

IF you insist on having INPUT from a buncha' Flashaholics --

then FIRST present US with YOUR choice.

And then, we will be happy to "pass judgement" on yer' Selection.

Then, i want you to USE that Flashlight for, oh, lets say Six Months.

At Least ! ! !

Repeat the above procedure, all over again.

Slow down, my young friend.

One at a time ! ! !

These are certainly Great Times to be a Flashaholic.

But it's way too easy to go OverBoard.

To: The Rest of you CPF guys --

Please don't UNDO what i have just told this young man.

Give him a fighting chance, eh ?

Good Luck in your quest for the Perfect Flashlight(s).

Get a Quark or Fenix from 4Sevens. I have chosen the Quarks over the more expensive lights because the lights that cost 2 or 3 times more are not 2 or 3 times better in my opinion.
get a surefire g2l (with metal head), 6p or a c2 and mod it. sell the p60 that comes with it to get more $$$ to spend. then get a quark mini 123 ti and the rest spend it on batteries or accessories. IMHO.
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indeed, Coast..

you're diving too quickly into this hobby. :)

take it nice and slow, you'll enjoy them better that way!
Fill in that questionnaire, DO RESEARCH (which means use the 'search' function) on your possible choices as well.
If you mean the Olight SR90, that's waaayy out of my price range. It's 400 bucks! It looks like a pretty good light though. I'll consider it once i have more cash. When it actually starts to ship and reviews start coming out.
If you mean the Olight SR90, that's waaayy out of my price range. It's 400 bucks! It looks like a pretty good light though. I'll consider it once i have more cash. When it actually starts to ship and reviews start coming out.

Yes, I'm sorry, i'm on vacation right now at Six Flags Magic Mountain right now (well at the hotel) and my brother-in-law brought his laptop out. Guess what - I gotta log in to CPF! and chime in! -
Buy my DBS\SST-50 :naughty:. The most powerful 1x18650 (semi-pocketable) light on the market. Epic throw and output, and you'll come in enough under budget to buy a Quark MiNi 123 with a couple of AW RCR123s and a WF-139 charger.

Shameless advertising aside, you do need to be more specific. Do you want durability? How bright? What runtime? What size? There's too many lights to recommend a 1 size fits all 'best'.
Starting with batteries ? What batteries do you want to run ?

How large or small does the flashlight need to be ..

CR123A / 14500 / 18650 ? AAA / AA ?
MC-E / SSC P7 / or single die ..

EDC / or single 18650 size or larger ..

Does it need to fit in a pocket ? / belt pouch / back pack !

Perhaps you need to browse for a week or two to get your bearings ...
I would say a Surefire its a good investment it will last you forever without knowing anything you prefer about the light I am going to say a E2DL or LX2 the U2 is a nice tank of a light also. Spend the rest on Surefire battery's.
since you're so young im going to agree with burgess on this one,

when i was 14 i had my mom play a 3 digit lotto number for me. well i won $700 from that ticket and ran right out and bought the first thing i could find that i wanted to spend that kind of money on, a nitro R/C car

guess what? its been sitting in my basement for 11 years because after i played with it for a while and spent more and more money on running it i got bored and grew out of it.

im not saying a flashlight is the same because thats something you can use for a lifetime, but even lights become outdated and the younger you are the more frequently you change your mind about what you like and want.

so be careful not to spend all of your money on just a flashlight.

if you've ever heard the saying "dont spend it all in one place" people dont say that for nothing....they say it because they have been there and done that...and some people are still stuck there!

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