I just don't know what to say


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 30, 2007
Cary, NC - Land of the CREE
Well, I can now share a tale of kindness, generosity, and for a lack of better words.....Just super acts of thoughtful selflessness. Because of two really cool and decent people here at CPF, I today received an Surefire L1 Cree and a Lumapower M1. I just don't have the words to express how deeply touched I am over this. I have never felt such gratitude towards people that don't truly know me from Adam, and from whom I would never have expected such wonderful gifts from.

To Bernie Keissling who provided the L1, I bow in humble reverence and thankfulness. I never thought that I would have such a light in my collection. It is beautiful in all aspects, and works and shines flawlessly. It shows me why I should save towards lights instead of getting just what I can afford at the time. Thank you Bernie. May God abundantly bless you and your family.

To BSCOTT1504 who provided the M1, I also thank you from the very bottom of my heart. Another fine light in my collection. This light also beats anything I previously had in my collection for workmanship and quality. Thank you Scott. May God also abundantly bless you and your family.

I am so thankful and grateful to be part of a community such as CPF....Where it is certainly the people here that make it such a great place to share one of the best hobbies in the world with. I am at a further loss for words at this point, but i can tell you all that I am an extremely happy flashaholic today.

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I think you said it pretty well Rob. Man, there are going to be some photons flying tonight! Good work guys.
That certainly was extremely generous of those gentleman.....and I am sure that in your own way, when the time is right, you too will show the same generosity to others when the opportunity presents itself.

While our members may "vigorously" debate each other from time to time......we certainly see some some extraordinary support and kindness exhibited.

Cheers to Bernie and BSCOTT1504....and everyone else on the forum !

- regards to all !

Sometimes I think we all forget there are a lot of decent and kind people out there.

It's good to be reminded and also to pass on a kindness where and when we are able.

Rob ... the pleasure was all mine :eek: .

There is one thing though ... test the light. Use it. And if it doesn't meet your criteria ... sell it to fund another. Without any negative feelings.


P.S.: oh and ... I am moving this to the Café ... it should be more appropriate there :D
How cool!

There's an old phrase that says "If your dog doesn't like someone, you probably shouldn't either."

Conversely, I believe that any person who respects something as simple and beautiful as a flashlight, is a friend of mine.

I am glad I joined a group full of such thoughful and solid human beings.
I have said it in some of my posts "I Luv this site" Not only is it great to get good advice but I have seen some pretty nice things done by people. I have always thought when I see certain lights that go on sale that I should pick up as many as I can and sell them to CPF members for what I paid for them so they too can enjoy great deals. Sometimes CPF members don't have the opportunity to obtain these deals. Having grown into this forum I look forward to hanging out with you guys and girls :twothumbs
I had a similar thing happen to me. The gentleman (he wants to remain
unknown) had a post for Aleph parts for free, just send your address. He sent me two complete Aleph 2 Natural HA lights, both 2 stage one was 1x123 and the other was 1x17500 tube. Also sent 2 extra standard tailcaps. I WAS SPEECHLESS! Being a new CPF person at the time he could have sent a gold bar and I couldn't have been more suprised. I've never forgotten that, and try to return this to other CPF members when I can. That's what makes for a great forum IMO. Have fun with your new toys!

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