I modded a Mag Solitare


Newly Enlightened
Dec 26, 2008
I know this is not a big deal mod, but I was wanting to ask. I am using the little MN21/23, 12 volt battery with a screw an acorn nut to make connection with a radio shack 5mm bulb. I was wanting to know, are there any draw backs to using a screw for a spacer with these batteries? I am assuming not, because contact on metal is contact on metal. But, if there is something that I should watch for please let me know.
Next on the same mod, is there any way to get a better throw out of this little guy? I like the white flood that I am getting, I would just like it to stay tight for about another 15 feet. I know that this will not perform at all like my microstream. I just wondered if I could could do anything more too it.
Thanks, I will post some pics here shortly.
Should still work fine. Obviously the extension should go toward the rear, near the tailcap. I was using an aluminum binding post, which fits perfectly and is very light.

However, I just got a fresh batch of A23s and these are blowing leds, so now I need to rig up a resistor. My first Solitaire mod used an older (unopened) battery that had been bought years ago, and apparently it had lost enough charge to work fine without a resistor.

A 20,000 mcd led transformed my Solitaire to "useful", which was a big improvement. Not sure if much more can be done.