I need a Spotlight


Newly Enlightened
Mar 21, 2021
I know nothing about lighting. Let's get that out of the way first.

But I have a need for a light source that can illuminate objects brightly at 150 yards or so, with a beam width at that range of at least 12 inches and preferably 24 inches.

I don't know what my budget is yet, because I've no idea what gear will fill the need. Any suggestions?
That's a rather specific request. A lot of "spotlight" mid size flashlights will probably be closer to 12-24 feet at that range. I would suggest an LEP flashlight for your original specs, but I'm making an assumption about the use that might not be a good idea with an LEP flashlight. 12" at 150 yards... the flashlight better not move and whatever you're aiming it at better not move or you'll have a heck of a time trying to find it again... unless you're using it as a pointer.


Size and weight?

Price range?

Edit: To get you started, I might suggest looking at some of the Malkoff heads for SF lights (the throwy versions), or the Acebeam L19. Other spots that are going to be much wider at 150 yards might include Nitecore MH25GT (it's an older model and mode changing is a little temperamental), MH40GTR, P30i, New P30, MH25S... For something smaller and less expensive, Lumintop GT Mini and even the FW1A is supposed to throw pretty well... but may require a little more maintenance and UI experimentation.

If you don't want any spill, just Google FEP flashlights (and maybe watch a couple YT reviews) from different manufacturers. These are more expensive than the ones I listed above.
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I was thinking of the GT Mini myself. I noticed on mine how tight the center beam is compared to the spill. I still think it will be more than 12" at that distance, but will probably tighter than some of the others.
I liked my original P30 for its throw, but the hot spot was wider than what is being requested. I think the Nitecore P30 is an example of a great all around light. It was small enough that I could wear it on my belt with no problems, the on/off switch being separate from the mode switch made it easy to always have it come on at the mode I wanted, and it just felt great in my hand.
Well there are many lights that will cover an area that size at that distance, most will spill over and illuminate the surroundings. Is that a problem? Are you looking for something with a precise, narrow beam?

To get an idea of relative distance, you will want to pay attention to the ANSI FL1 standard. Look for this symbol on the box (or description):

Here are a few I'd recommend checking out, and approximate pricing in USD.
Lumintop GT Mini, 1050m, ~$50
Nitecore "New" P30, 618m, ~$80
Acebeam L19, 1300m, ~$150
Noctigon K1, 1613m, ~$90

If you need a very precise and narrow beam you'll want to look at LEP, but decent ones start over $300.