I never thought I would need a flashlight at ...


Nov 4, 2007

I work in downtown Charlotte in one of the tall buildings. I'm here now finishing up a 4 hour presenation I have to help give/facilitiate tomorrow when all the lights go out. I suppose a power saving measure but I don't know how to get the lights back on!

I'm using my cell phone's display backlight to feel my way to the printer and back. If only I had my L1!!!
Which is why a Photon carried always is cheap, light, and something you hardly know you have, even in suit pants pocket, until you need it.
Yeah I was in the mens room today and some jacka$$ turned the lights off on the way out. I was pretty glad for a photon on the keychain I don't mind saying!

I work in downtown Charlotte in one of the tall buildings. I'm here now finishing up a 4 hour presenation I have to help give/facilitiate tomorrow when all the lights go out. I suppose a power saving measure but I don't know how to get the lights back on!

I'm using my cell phone's display backlight to feel my way to the printer and back. If only I had my L1!!!

You do realize this means we get to make fun of you, right? :D Over 100 posts here on CPF and you get caught without a light at work? Don't even have a light in your car? Let this be a lesson to you, always have a light.
You do realize this means we get to make fun of you, right? :D Over 100 posts here on CPF and you get caught without a light at work? Don't even have a light in your car? Let this be a lesson to you, always have a light.

Haha! But ... but ... I never thought I would need a light on me at work? I mean its a suit and tie sorta joint.

If I had had my keys with me I would have had my optics HQ keychain light that came for free with my L1 ... but that was back at my desk. Also, do have light in car, but thats in a parking deck in another building.

So there! :tinfoil:
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Haha! But ... but ... I never thought I would need a light on me at work? I mean its a suit and tie sorta joint.

If I had had my keys with me I would have had my optics HQ keychain light that came for free with my L1 ... but that was back at my desk. Also, do have light in car, but thats in a parking deck in another building.

So there! :tinfoil:
I work in a downtown office as well (jacket but no tie)... but I have both a keychain light (one of those from Lighthound) in my pocket as well as a P2D on my belt (next to mobile phone so it's not obvious in case someone takes a closer look). Then, there are the two additional lights in my courier bag and the glo-toob attached to a lanyard on the zipper on the same bag... :candle:

May seem a bit much but I'm also one of the fire wardens on our floor so that's my excuse for packing so many lights... :D
You kinda opened yourself up to a CPF dogpile ya know! :poke: :nana:

Like the others mentioned, I've got a photon, Inova or Lighthound key chain like on ever set of keys or back pack zipper. But better yet an LOD in my pocket at all times too. Even EDC a key chain light is better than nothing....but you already know that now huh....:grin2:
What about leaving one in your desk? At the very least you should be able to find your way into a drawer.
If you can have a phone on you then there is no excuse for not having some form of light on you.:nana:
If only I had my L1!!!


I have a great counter story for you.

Two weekends ago I had to come into the office on Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday morning I pull on a pair of baggy jeans (usually wearing slacks at the office) and there's enough room in my front pocket for the wallet and the L1. It's broad daylight, but what the hey, the L1 goes in my pocket anyway.

I show up to the office and nobody's there, great, I can't even get into the building. Just as I'm leaving, the CEO shows up. At first he's wondering what the heck I'm doing at the office (working, whaddya think I'm doing?!) and he lets me in. Office is dark, and since neither of us is the first one in in the morning, we don't know where the light switches are. And on top of that, we're both in a security ante-room that requires a secondary key, and it's pitch black.

L1 TO SAVE THE DAY!!! Hahaha... I flicked it on, and the CEO got a little chuckle. He didn't seem surprised though. We have a lot of security cameras at the office, and the guys here like to grab my SF M6 and point it at them. So I guess my "dirty little secret" has been revealed to the brass where I work...
Maybe you should find your way over to the E01 thread, read up, and then plop 15 bucks down at Fenix store to ensure you never have to suffer through such an awful situation again. :) Even in a suit, you'll never notice something that small in a pocket. :poke::nana:
I work in a downtown office as well (jacket but no tie)... but I have both a keychain light (one of those from Lighthound) in my pocket as well as a P2D on my belt (next to mobile phone so it's not obvious in case someone takes a closer look). Then, there are the two additional lights in my courier bag and the glo-toob attached to a lanyard on the zipper on the same bag... :candle:

May seem a bit much but I'm also one of the fire wardens on our floor so that's my excuse for packing so many lights... :D

I'm similar, sort of. I work in the IT dept in a downtown office and I always have a light on me (rotate btwn HDS U60, Novatac 120P, PD-S) in a black AW nylon holster right next to the cell phone that's clipped on my belt to make it not as obvious. :D

I've got a L0D-CE on my keychain, L1D-CE in my coat, 2AA minimag with SMJ drop-in in my work bag (for long runtime). Before I got the nylon belt holster, I actually didn't have a light on me all the time at the office because I usually leave my keys in my coat pocket, and my coat hangs on the back of my chair. After reading about some other poor sap on here that was stuck in complete darkness while sitting on the toilet at his office, I realized that I needed a light on me all the time.

There's a very insightful quote that I read on hear some time ago. I can't remember who it was that first posted it so I can't give him credit, but the gist of it was, "the best flashlight is not necessarily the most expensive one you own, it's the one you have on you when you need it the most". :crackup: I think it's pretty good advice.

Oh yeah, the fire wardens on our floor have these cheap rubberized 2-D Duracell incans with half dead batteries that are pitifully weak compared to even my minimag SMJ drop-in.
Even in a dress shirt and tie, I ALWAYS have 2 flashlights on me. And no one notices because they look like pens in my pocket.

I also keep a Nuwai Q3 in my desk drawer along with a spare 123 battery.

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I work in an office in NY. I wear a suit (without a tie), but still have at least a photon freedom light on my keychain. Now I have at least a photon, L0d and if I'm not carrying too much, I even carry my P3D :candle:
There's an old story that's been around CPF for years. Basically, when asked why someone edc's a flashlight the response should be to ask if on a given day there's a 30% chance of rain and you carry an umbrella, why wouldn't you always have a flashlight since there is a 100% chance of dark every day.

On a more somber note, the Congressional study on 9/11 has a line in it that states that one of the best and simplest life saving items on that day in the WTC towers was a working flashlight. How much room in a desk drawer does a flashlight take? How heavy is a micro-light or a key chain light in your pocket or around your neck? These things cannot only help you find the quarter that rolled under the coffee machine, they really can save lives.
Always have a Photon and at least my LOD CE when I leave the house.Small AAA lights can be carried unnoticed in almost any attire.Two is one,one is none!

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