I think I killed my Streamlight Scorpion LED


Jun 3, 2007
Well... I think I've made a mistake by putting two AW's RCR123A (tested at 3.2 volt) in my Scorpion LED. With 2 almost dead CR123A the light does not come and with the AW's it stay on for ¼ second.
I've found nothing about technical informations for this light.
Do you think it is dead ?
Fresh CR123A lithiums rate at slightly more than 3.0V themselves, so I doubt a light would be killed by slightly higher voltages; it'd be designed with a wee bit of tolerance.

Have you tried fresh CR123As? Testing it with only dead ones won't tell you much. With the AW cells, it could be that the cells' protection is kicking in somehow.
The "almost" dead CR123A are about 2 volt.
I tested the AW's at 3.2.
I do not know the maximum voltage of the Scorpion... this does not help.
I do not have any fresh CR123A.
I wonder if I burned the circuitry of the light :(
If the LED module is dead... is there a mod that I can use on the Scorpion LED ?
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A single CR123 measuring 2 volts is not almost dead, it died a long time ago. The RCR123's at 3.2 volts each are not too snappy either. I think that your Scorpion LED is ok. CR123's can measure almost 3.3 volts new, and by the time they measure, cold, 2.8 volts they are pretty much gone, current wise. RCR123's can top out at a 4.2 volt charge and are pretty much depleated below 3.5 volts. Your Streamlight LED is running a buck circuit (stepdown) and requires more voltage than the the forward voltage of the led. I would think that your light can handle 8+ volts easily without any mishap.

My Streamlight Scorpion LED is officially dead :(
The LED module smells like something has burned inside and the LED itself looks burned.
I wonder if I can put a new LED module that accept RCR123A.
I just put a seoul Led into my Scorpion, and it's fantastic....however, I don't know if it's possible to replace the driver easily.....Since the Scorpion uses a separate pill and reflector- you can't just use a drop in. If Streamlight sells just the led pill- might be worth it to get it. Good luck.
I took two pictures of my dead Scorpion LED:


Is it possible to put something else in my Scorpion ? Something taking rechargeable ?

I took apart the LED module and I can now access the Lumileds star but I can't see what is below the two wires... so I do not know if it is using a driver board.
The LED is dead as you can see on the pictures above.
I wonder if I can replace the star with a Q5 from DX or KD ?
Is the Scorpion using a driver in the module ?

Thanks !
i think there used to be a member who modded the scorpion LED, you might want to do a search either in the LED forum or the homemade light forum to see if it's still there.
If you didn't kill the driver...use the seoul Led- it makes an awesome mod. I did mine and it's excellent. You could try hooking the wires that go to the Led to any other led ( if you have any)...just to see if the driver is still working.

The reflector in the Scorpion works great with the seoul...not quite as well with a cree.

You can also run the modded light with a 17650 li-ion battery- and the output is still very impressive. Don't need 2 rcr batteries. Besides the runtime with one 17650 is better than 2 rcr123 batteries.
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If you can't mod it yourself there are af few guys on here that make a few bucks modifying other peoples lights, they can even replace the circuit boards with better ones. Check out milky spit.