I'm a sad man


Jun 25, 2004
Middlesex, UK
One would have thought that at my age (a year shy of 50), that I'd have grown up a little. Sadly not ....

When I went to the cinema last week, I had my budget XTAR-SSC-P7-C2 in my pocket.
Its very compact at about 5 inches (the light, that is :poke:) and probably doesn't look all that spectacular, but I'd guess that it outputs 500+ lumens.

Anyway when I was walking in up the stairs, I saw that there were adverts on, so I shone the light at the screen and it really almost wiped out the picture.
This drew quite a few stares from those already assembled.
Then when the guy came to look at our tickets with his stock torch, I shone the XTAR on the white tickets, completely dazzling him and rendering it futile as far as being able to determine the seat numbers.
My girlfriend was cringing in embarrassment, something that she does quite a lot with me around.

"That's a very bright torch you have there mate", said the usher, obviously impressed.

Anyway, for what its worth, I thought I'd share it with CPF. I still derive a lot of amusement from silly incidents like this.
"That's a very bright torch you have there mate", said the usher, obviously impressed.

If this scene had subtitles they would say:

easilyled: "Bow before the might of my lumens!"
usher: "please don't hurt me, you torch loon!"

this is inspiring!!

Im only 35 and still play with lights and dig jumps in the
dirt at night etc... have a GF instead of a wife.

hope I can make it to yer age and still be excited
about the FUN things in life!!

Nice one, it gets worse when you have kids. I've lost count the number of times my litle girl has said to someone when we've been out "would you like to borrow a torch/knife/mulitool?, my dads got one in his pocket, he's always got them in his pocket"

She wants a penknife for her 8th birthday.:D
I got you beat by a year I am 50 and you just gave me a good reason to go to the movies. I can just picture the look on your girlfriends face I have seen that look before. How about a pic of the torch in question.
Sorry to hear of this. That really, truly stinks. Too bad that some people behave in this manor.
I'm afraid I've been guilty of the same thing on occasion.
One would have thought that at my age (a year shy of 50), that I'd have grown up a little. Sadly not ....

You have a just a few years on me and Iam the same way if not worse.. With the torches and other toys Iam as bad as a kid in a candy store.:devil:
"you have to get old, but you do not have to grow up!". 59+ and still a little kid, though the toys are MUCH more expensive now. :whistle:
How about a pic of the torch in question.

Here is a link to a review of this light and another very similar one.

By the way I'm not trying to promote the light at all. ;) Its still compact for a high-powered light, but I'm sure there are many others of higher quality.
I always bring a flashlight to the theatre with me...but I keep it on low! LOL

Don't get me started on the kids with their laser pointers messing up films. Well at least you did it during the adverts but you'll just encourage the kids to do it too.

I must admit though...I love freaking people out with pocket rockets. My fav for shock value is the Mini with IMR16340 on high. That'll blind you in the dark!
great stuff- I am 45- like to sit in the very back row so the whippersnappers don't kick the back of my seat- you should see the horror in my wifes eyes when I turn on the PEAK red led to signal my position with hand flash morse code.....:popcorn:
If this scene had subtitles they would say:

easilyled: "Bow before the might of my lumens!"
usher: "please don't hurt me, you torch loon!"


Being British, you can recreate the classic scene:

great stuff- I am 45- like to sit in the very back row so the whippersnappers don't kick the back of my seat- you should see the horror in my wifes eyes when I turn on the PEAK red led to signal my position with hand flash morse code.....:popcorn:
Man, your wife really loves you! Mine would head for the car if I did that in the theatre to attract her attention.
Glad you thought it was funny. So, it's fun to annoy people. That is something that 15 year olds do. I thought people learn to modify that sort of behavior in public when they come to understand that there's a reason for social norms. I enjoy my lights too, but that doesn't mean it gives me the right to annoy others. How would you (generically speaking) feel if your neighbor blasted his stereo so loud it hurt your earsdrums, at 2 AM when you were sleeping, or someone on your block ran his/her car without mufflers, which shook the foundations of your house.

I ride my bicycle on the streets and still get annoyed when other cyclists ignore the rules of the road, e.g. running red lights, and expect cars to get out of the way.

Just because one can be annoying doesn't mean it's the right thing to do and enjoyable for anyone except the person involved.
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^ Oh my...:sigh: Lighten(pun intended) up Harvey...:shakehead
I'm 50, and with stuffy adults like you around, I'm really glad that I work with children all day.

You'd never be welcome in Neverland dude...

I thought people learn to modify that sort of behavior in public when they come to understand that there's a reason for social norms. I enjoy my lights too

From the sound of things, I'm guessing that all your "enjoyment" takes place in the closet...:aaa:

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