I'm about to buy a swiss army nomad- what is the alternative?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 7, 2009
I've never owned a nice knife, just my 30yr old Victorinox Swiss, but I'd like a larger blade, locking with a couple of other useful tools like corkscrew / bottleopener. Will be used while camping etc.

I'm looking at the nomad as it
* Doesn't have too many tools (nice 'feel' size wise)
* Has locking main blade (screwdriver also locks which is bonus)
* At 11cm is larger than my swiss
* Isn't going to get me arrested ;-)

I wish it had scissors but otherwise I think its ideal.


What else should I be considering? or is this a good un?
they are good knives. but just remeber that they are ilegal to carry in the uk without good reason. ie:work,fishing,hunting etc. I've got a swiss army, army knife and love it.

Thanks - I didn't know they were illegal to carry without reason (though I plan on it being a camping/hiking knife)
I have a forester, wich have the saw, and I'm very happy with it. The one handed blade is more effective I think
Thanks for the input - yes Saws can be handy. In the end I got the 'Picknicker' basically a red handled version of the Nomad. Had it about a year and am happy with it, but still wish it had a pair of scissors!!
You can carry a Swiss Army Knife, with a blade of less than 3" without a good reason in the UK. Any larger than 3", or any form of locking and a good reason is required - as spankone says. Camping probably is a good enough reason to have a lock knife. Don't rule out Wenger, I always think they feel nicer than Victorinox, although that's probably because I own on. Their 'Ranger' range are locking blades.Their EvoWood range are very cool as well, although they aren't locking.
That looks close to what I need, but could ready do with a small soldering iron as well ;) I'll keep looking, but thanks.