Flashlight Enthusiast
I accidentally knocked the dome off my Lumapower VX Ultra, and the Lux went from 8000 to 16,000. It was a bit ringy however. I have experimented with the Tiablo A9 and A50 reflectors and find them to be excellent with the SST-50. So I tried the de-domed pill and got about 23,000 with the A9 with just some minor rings only noticeable on a white wall. The A50 reflector looked good too, so I took a chance and de-domed it too. Lux went from 29,100 to 43,400 and the beam is 100% perfect. The hotspot is now about half the diameter, but there seems to be about the same amount of light off center, so I didn't lose anything other than the hot-spot size. With a UCL lens it's doing 47,100 Lux. The A50 is not 900 lumens as it is advertised but 500 lumens (1.4 amps w/ 2 rcr123) Not bad. Can't wait till my 2.8 amp drivers arrive. 65,000 lux from a 2.8 amp SST-50 maybe?? I tried the "Solarforce Masterpiece Pro" Which is said to be a copy of the A10 reflector and it was pretty bad. So I sure hope Tiablo will hurry the hell up and introduce the Dual-Textured reflector here in the USA. 900 lumens would be nice too.
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