I'm Divorcing Her

same person who got you that wonderful LD01....

You had to bring that up! She also has an Inova bolt 2XAA and an undisclosed Fenix for me waiting for Christmas. I'm going to be a happy camper on christmas morning but it just will not make up for the error of her ways. She should know better by now. I dont know if I should forgive and forget:D
was it a light she ment to give you for christmas, or a light she just saw, and thought you would like?

I cant answer that. I cant do it right now but tommorrow I will post a picture of all the lights she has come home and handed to me just because she saw them somewhere. Quite a few of them are very respectable (here in RI in stores that sell Flashlights, pickings are slim). A few are things she found for a few dollars and she told me that when she handed them to me.
I'd be overjoyed at this. Partly because my girlfriend could give me as a present a fauxton and I'd still love it just because it comes from her, and partly because that light might just come in handy. Yeah, it doesn't cost a hundred bucks, but it's unquestionably always ready to go.
Also, if you put a Nichia GS in there the output will probably double - those lights commonly use crappy generic LEDs that wouldn't have impressed anyone even in the early days of LED flashlights. From my experience, the tiny 80-or-so mAh NiMH batteries they use have also surprisingly low self-discharge, so you could do as I did and add an external jack for charging it when you don't need the dynamo, and only crank it if you run out of power.
Saw this piece (of crap) at Brookstone today at the mall. The salesdoof came up to me and tried to explain that it used the brightest LED's around. So of course I said "oh yeah?" as bright as this (pulls out the NDI with charged Li-on inside). And that was that.

By the way. That is a spin light. You spin the back of it to charge it. It gives "twisty" a whole new meaning.
Yeah . . . .

Be thankful she didn't get you

a junky SureFire with only 3 emitter wires.

You should get her something real nice too, like some cubic zirconia earings from walmart. It's all about the giving you know.
My wife told me for Christmas I better buy her something that goes from 0 to 200 in the blink of an eye and it better be parked in the driveway Christmas morning .................................................................

I bought her a bathroom scale!


HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :D :D :D I really and truly LAUGHED OUT LOUD after reading this one. Thanks, Bill! :twothumbs

Ok. In her defense here are some lights she has bought me over the last few years as gifts or "I have a surprise for you". Some of them "ain't to shabby" so I'm going to let her slide this time. Next time though she's out of here!

Haha... I just thought... maybe she was trying to tell you something "you're not putting out like you use to'' :whistle:

The more we hear, the more it sounds like she is a treasure. Unless you're really looking for a 'dope of the year' award, you should be sure you have something very special for her for Christmas and 3 days after christmas and a month after Christmas and...
OK You wanted beam shots you got em. I attached "Windy" to the kitchen blender and let it rip all night on Puree.

Camera and lights were about 2 - 3 feet away from target. Camera At F4.5, 1/20 sec ISO 200 for the beamshots.

The Contenders: Weeny (unknown Coast model), Wimpy (Fenix E01) and Windy

Wimpy (E01)

Windy It Really does not look quite that blue.

And Weeny (Not too shabby eh)

Next I'll try and get a nichia into "Windy"

And here is Windy modded with a nichia
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If my GF gave me that collection, not one of them would still be stock ;)

Actually a couple of the cheapest ones have been modded. The rest are not worth modding because they do OK for what they are. The only one that begs to be modded is the leftmost Inova in the pic (forgot the model #) but you probably have to destroy it to get it apart.
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