I'm Done Feeling Like I Need To Justify Purchases. Are You?


Dec 16, 2007
I went to a movie and dinner tonight and realized I was carrying $1000 worth of lights. Not to war; dinner and a movie.

I didn't feel bad about having three lights as it's November in Wisconsin and it's dark here at like 4:45 so lights are a must. But do they need to be expensive?

Short answer: no. I have Surefires and HDS lights and such because not only are they cool, but I justified their purchases with their toughness and durability and bombproofness. And it is important to me to have gear I can depend on. I hate crappy stuff. But do you know what? I baby my lights. Sometimes they are used for camping or at work or such things when reliability is important, but by and large I do things like go to movies or out to dinner, or take the dog out at night. I don't often hang my life on my lights. In reality, if I am honest, three $50 lights would do the job just fine. You can get pretty decent stuff for that price.

So today I came to the realization that I have some expensive lights because they're cool and I like them. And I'm ok with that. :shrug: :grin2: