I was bored today and fitted a spare p60 into a E series head. I know that I didn't gain much since the output of the MN03 and the P60 are about the same.
This got me thinking has anyone tried putting a LF IMR-9 in an E2X host? I'm thinking that this should be noticeably brighter than the IMR-E2. You would lose about 5 minutes of runtime, but would gain 150 bulb lumens (75-90 SF lumens).
I guess what I am really asking is if the size of the actual p60 bulb the same as the IMR-9? From the pictures it doesn't have the tip like my P91 does.
So will it fit (with some modification to the springs)?
This got me thinking has anyone tried putting a LF IMR-9 in an E2X host? I'm thinking that this should be noticeably brighter than the IMR-E2. You would lose about 5 minutes of runtime, but would gain 150 bulb lumens (75-90 SF lumens).
I guess what I am really asking is if the size of the actual p60 bulb the same as the IMR-9? From the pictures it doesn't have the tip like my P91 does.
So will it fit (with some modification to the springs)?