cool its scary how fast it took effect. the staff was real nice .there was a drunk in room next to me there is no walls just curtains the guy thought it was funny to keep passing gas
Sorry to hear that, Raggie. Try to remember that you'll get out of this and things will get better. It helped me when I flew over the bars of my own bike at 60+ km/h on a downslope and had to spend a week in the hospital. Things did get better after that.
I won't ride motorcycle anymore unless I have to. Especially with the excess of terrible drivers out there nowadays. I learned my lesson when my own rolled over the top of me and I nearly crushed my head on a boulder behind me when I was 15. Hope you have a speedy recovery!
I was able to empty my bladder. but I have to complain im in so much pain and im so afraid it will pop out again .geting old sucks and I took like 9 over the counter pills ibrprion or what ever its called I also have aeelve but did not take any
Years ago (in the mid 90's) my shoulder popped out of joint from an impact. Has not since.
You may have bone spirrs in a few year but those can be taken care of by walking your fingers up a wall and washing a wall type circular motions.