INFO LEAK: Soon 2 new JetBeam's: Raptor-2 and Raptor-3!! 2600mAh AW 18650's in May!!


Jan 7, 2005
California, CA
I was googling the new JetBeam Raptor and I stumbled across a treasure trove of information about upcoming products on a foreign website (forgive the poor Google translation):

"3 - Raptor-2 (RRT-2). Prepared for publication by the end of May, the new lamp with a magnetic ring control - Raptor-2 (RRT-2) on the diode R2. Smaller diameter head (36mm), more compact, but, respectively, with a lesser range of light. It will come as the EDC, a pocket-type.

4. In late May, is scheduled to release the lamp Raptor-3 MC-E 3h18650 form (to be with a diameter of 40mm body, where three parallel battery). "

Original link:

Google translated link:

Lower down on the page is a mention of AW 2600mAh 18650s coming in late May!

OK, so JetBeam is notorious for delivering late, but if these dates are correct within a month or two, WOOT!!
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Thank you for the info ! ! !


Thanks for the link.
Excited to see EDC Raptor-2!
Oh I see the raptor 2 is the one with smaller head... there is a pic in the raptor thread in marketpleace.
Oh I see the raptor 2 is the one with smaller head... there is a pic in the raptor thread in marketpleace.

Yes, that's the one.
I am really excited about the Raptor-2 and 3. I think the Raptor-3 may even best the M2 and maybe even the LegionII (at least it will probably be cheaper).

I love the fact that more flashlights with the selector ring type of UI are becoming available. It's my favourite UI.
Sad to see the IBS UI go. It's my favorite UI. All I can say is 2cr+MC-E selector ring with 3 modes of IBS in each position 20min maximum illumination of at least 500 out the front lumens ala Sf M6 and compact head=big money for jetbeam. I'll take a dozen:naughty:

If someone can build this i may know of a venture capital company that may be interested in investing some money.
Wow, great info, thanks for posting!

I like the raptor UI so much I can't decide which to get... 1 R2, 1 MC-E, 2, or 3. Buy all four? :D

I wonder what this means:

Megatorch said:
2,. In early June, is scheduled arrival:
- Jet-3 Military R2 and warm Q3 5A with a powerful driver
- Jet-3 ST BVC R2 and warm Q3 5A with a powerful driver

Others seem to think it means a new, non-IBS driver? Or are you just referring to the new Raptors?
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"Approximately by 20 May will have to reach a new supply of AW:
[FONT=Verdana, Arial]18650 Li-Ion 2200mAh[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial]18650 Li-Ion 2600mAh NEW!!!"[/FONT]​
:thumbsup: I was going to buy a pair of AW18650's this month, but waiting a month or two is no problem.

"IMR - This is about what? [FONT=Verdana, Arial]Other chemical elements - a smaller vessel, with more security?[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial]If so, about the security of a practical application, you can find out more?"[/FONT]

Ya gotta love that translation.:D

Next time someone posts, "What is the difference with IMR cells", I'll just reply:
"A smaller vessel, with more security"
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Next time someone posts, "What is the difference with IMR cells", I'll just reply:
"A smaller vessel, with more security"[/QUOTE]

Security should have translated as Safety. I work in the safety business and run into the same translation issues all the time from Europe.
So is the level preset OR the light output increases and you turn the ring ?.....that is what i am looking would be nice if the output increases as the ring turns in a nice smooth ramp up.
I also heard somewhere that there might be a control ringed AA light at some point.......:naughty:

no i cant tell you my source...
